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I walked home in pure silence as Benny and I departed ways. The brisk evening air delicately kissing my olive skin as the vibrant hues of orange engulfed the sky above.

As I slipped my keys from my pocket, I was interrupted by the tap of my shoulder, surprised to be able met with the intense gaze of Scotty Smalls.

"Elena, I need to talk to you." He announced, standing on my doorstep as I fumbled to unlock my door.

"What's up, Smalls?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows at his serious expression.

"I know you got Benny to ditch the sandlot with you today," he admitted. "Benny wouldn't just leave the sandlot, even if he was sick."

I was baffled at the words escaping the boy with waves of sea foam coated irises, "Scotty, listen, it's not what you think—"

"It's exactly what I think, what we all think Elena," his icily coated voice sending shivers down my spine.

"What are you talking about?"

"Elena, I liked you, I thought you were going to be different because I've never thought Benny made bad decisions," he began. "The guys warmed up to you quickly because of our hopes at finally experiencing someone new in the group, especially having a girl join."

My face contorted in pain as the words escaped his lips.

"I almost hoped Benny would find a girl that could possibly make him happier in a different sense than the guys and I, but I was wrong," he sighed in disappointment. "You're going to ruin him, Elena."

Unfortunately, I couldn't formulate a coherent answer, leading me to just stand in front of Scotty with my hands falling to my sides and my gaze dropping to the floor.

"Yeah, I know." I croaked, opening my door to slowly walk inside my deserted house.

"I'm sorry I had to be so harsh," he called out, causing me to turn my torso back to face him. "He is my best friend, I hate losing him."

"Scotty, as much as I could waste my words at convincing you otherwise, you're right," my lips twitched into a small smile.

"If you have things to deal with, fix yourself before stringing Benny along," the small boy advised. "He's easily manipulated and just like the rest of us, he's not experienced in any of your departments."

"Yeah, I figured,"

"Elena, as much as it'll hurt you and give up the hopes you've probably had for moving here and having a good summer, don't be selfish," Scotty spoke in a mere whisper as the last words rolled from his lips.

Scotty didn't proceed to say anything else, his outburst of protecting his best friend probably the hardest conversation he had to endure. It was astonishing how he was able to conquer his timidness to protect his friend; a newfound respect for the small boy was enough to mask my own anger and sadness.

I knew if the words mustered from Smalls, the rest of the sandlot boys had to mirror his feelings towards me.

I shut the door once Smalls turned away to trudge back to his magenta house, acceding upstairs to be greeted with guilt and loneliness.

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