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"Are you serious? Zayn you two were perfect, you messed everything up" Ornisha said.

My best friend Ornisha was standing up for me after my boyfriend was caught cheating on me with his ex-girlfriend Perrie Edwards.

Zayn said, "I didn't mean any of this, Perrie was the one who kissed me she is the one who did all of this."

While all of this is happening I'm sitting there trying to take this all in not saying a word, he should know that what he did was wrong, he shouldn't have met up with her in the first place.

Ornisha bursts out by saying, "WELL YOU DIDN'T STOP ZAYN THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY!" Zayn walks over to me and he places his hand over mine, I try to move away from him but he just keeps moving closer, he grabs me again "STOP IT! I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!" which was true I didn't want him to come back to me and say I would never do it again, I wouldn't fall for that crap again. I left the room.

Zayn follows me again, "Baby don't say that, I love you and Perrie was the one who kissed me, I wanted to push her off but I knew I would've hurt her from how angry I was." Zayn says.

"Well why didn't you? Why did you meet up with her in the first place?"

"I didn't I saw her and she came up to me." Zayn replies.

I scream, "THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY JUST BECAUSE YOU SAW HER YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO MAKE OUT WITH HER YOU SHOULD'VE LEFT. NICE TO KNOW WHAT A GREAT BOYFRIEND I HAVE." I couldn't speak anymore I was out of words and while I was done screaming Zayn grabs me, I try to push him off but his strength doesn't balance out with mine, he was way taller and stronger than me. Zayn crashes his lips onto mine, I slowly remembered why I love him, the kiss was so passionate, I snap back into reality, I stop him, "I'm sorry not after what you did to me." I ran off like a little whimp.

I start to slow down.

What was he thinking how does he think it's okay just to kiss me like that. I really don't think he knows what he put me through. I'm now sitting at the park alone and I look at my phone to see if I had any phone calls but nothing I look at the time

1:46 a.m.

What the hell am I supposed to do now. He was my everything now he is just gone. I can't believe he actually did that to me.

While I sit there crying I look up and headlights were blurring my vision I couldn't see who the driver was but since it was so late it would probably be anybody.

The driver came closer, I saw a familiar face his light brown eyes and his scruffy beard. Why is he doing this now? I couldn't deal with it anymore I have to tell him straight that I can't forgive him.

He steps out of the car it looks like he has been crying for days. He comes and sits right next to me, I try to move away but he grabs my wrist and his strength is unbearable.

"What do you want Zayn I told you I was done!"

"I just want you back. you are the only person that knows me better than myself, you should know that I would never cause any harm to you or to anyone. I never meant to kiss her, I never meant to do this to you. When she kissed me all I thought was you. The image of you never left my mind. I love you Julissa . You should know that."

After Zayn said that I didn't know what to say or do. I was frozen in place.

This is my first story! I hope you guys like it. Please comment, vote, and share this story. 💜

Twitter: @ornishaxo
Instagram: @ornishaxo

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