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His day sucked. Not only did they have to cancel his show due to a technical error - an idiot caused the stage to catch on fire and while there weren't terrible damages done, the stage was unusable for a couple of days. Which now meant that he was flying back home for tomorrow's show, after than one off to Seoul and then after the day after tomorrow back to Paris and so on. His life was a wreck, his manager had a shit ton to do and people are angry because of rescheduling the show. The people that couldn't make it to that one were properly reimbursed, but… still.

Things went worse when his flight didn't have any first or business class service; he had to be in economy class. Did he really have to start why that was bad? Tiny seats, zero leg room, uncomfortableness all around, horrible food. A flight from Paris to Tokyo was in no way short.

He needed a distraction in form of alcohol and  a series that he could stand. He was only brought back to world when he felt a heavy weight on his shoulder; someone had fallen asleep on him. Great. Things couldn't have gone better.

He worked his head to see who the offender was and saw… the most beautiful man ever. Oh. That changed things.

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