Allie #2

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So after unpacking about 50 boxes of photos of my parents in DEEP love, I've come to a conclusion about something. Unless I can find someone perfect, mum is gonna bang onto me about how much better her relationship is than mine. For God's sake, when did life get so complicated? It feels like only yesterday I was singing away about eggs sitting on walls, and now here I am, about to go to school in London and attempt to make friends in a death zone.
My parents want the best out of me at all times, pressure right? Who knew Scottish people were so uptight? Well look at it this way, at least I've been working on my English accent so it won't be so noticeable that the scary parents are mine! I mean I love them and all but sometimes they just need to chill.
So I guess tomorrow is the big day: the start of a new school, a new life and new friends. I feel like in London everyone is a lot more... with it. I mean, I've just walked down the street to explore a bit and all I've seen so far, are shops and very stylish people wearing more brands than I can count.
See dad got this new job and it payed so well that we are effectively "well off". I mean it doesn't really concern me much, money really never has, it's just annoying that I had to leave my friends for it. So money? I'm angry at you right now. But also grateful... in a way... I mean I can restart, any mistakes? They are all gone now. Scotland seems long gone now, I mean I'm going to miss my friends but they kind of seemed fake to me. I really only had 2 people who were "real" with me. Reafa and Lila. But they're in Scotland and all I have left of them is a face time call once in a while. But I guess tomorrow is it... please God, don't let me mess this up.

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