Chapter 6: Revelation and Discovery

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Chapter 6: Discoveries

Here's a super long chapter for all my lovelies (because I just felt like saying calling y'all that)!

"Hey, cut that out!" shouted an angry Rahne as Tabitha threw yet another plasma ball.

Tabitha laughed and flicked one at Bobby who blocked it with a thick sheet of ice.

"Put your feet down!" whined Jamie. "You're being really annoying!"

"Your whining is annoying!" Tabitha shouted back.

It was yet another dinner filled with yelling kids and chaos caused by Tabitha. This did not help Claudia's nerves as she stared from the doorway. The only calm ones were the older ones Jean, Scott, Spyke, Kitty, and Kurt. And there was of course Sariah, who was as young as the rest and just as entitled to act crazy, sitting quietly eating her meal as though nothing were happening.

When Tabitha sent over a small plasma ball, Sariah flicked it away with the nod of her head.

"You're too easy, Tabitha," said Sariah quietly.

"Oh yeah?" asked Tabitha. "You wanna try me? Because I'm not scared."

"Neither am I," said Sariah.

Tabitha sent dozens of plasma balls at Sariah.

Sariah deflected them with the greatest of ease, sending them in all directions. However, this caused even more chaos and the students yelled and ducked.

"What the crap are you all doing?!" yelled Logan and all the chaos stopped. He had appeared behind Claudia. Claudia had not noticed and jumped. She could not back away from Logan, who was behind her, so she had no choice but to move forward.

Everyone saw Claudia as they turned to look at Logan.

"NEWBIE!" shouted Bobby. Instantly there was chatter as everyone started talking at once, trying to introduce themselves.

"Give her space!" laughed Jean and everyone sat down, and soon everyone was introducing themselves. Claudia asked lots of questions about everyone's parents and family and powers and friends.

When it came to Sariah, she merely said, "I'm Sariah, I'm 14, and I don't want to tell you anymore."

"Don't worry," said Rogue loudly. "She's like this to everyone- she's always hiding somethin'."

"Moving on," said Jean loudly, and soon the talking resumed.

It was just another day in the mansion.


"Do you wanna play Frisbee?" Rahne called to Claudia.

Claudia looked up from her book and grinned. "Sure!" she called, jumping up and tossing her book aside.

"You're sure nicer than Sariah," commented Rahne as she ran after the Frisbee. She leaped up and caught it in full wolf form.

"Oh?" asked Claudia as Rahne threw the Frisbee and she caught it.

"Well, I'm not sure if she's mean or not," Rahne shrugged. She was human again. "All she does is stand on the balcony and read and train with Jean and talk with her. So I'm not sure what she's like."

"Rogue says she's hiding things."

"Yes, but the Prof says not to pry; she'll tell us when she's ready, he said."

"Watch this!" called Claudia as the Frisbee flew towards her. She turned into a wolf similar to Rahne's and caught the Frisbee in her mouth. She transformed into her normal self, the Frisbee still in her mouth. Claudia took it out, blushing.

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