Chapter 14: Gunshots on Christmas Day

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Chapter 14: Gunshots on Christmas Day

The snow fell as December arrived, bringing with it the Christmas cheer. For Rogue and Sariah, this was depressing. Christmas had never been Sariah's favorite time (she had never celebrated it properly) and Rogue didn't like it either (she had no family to celebrate with).

Claudia's efforts to boost the sisters' spirits was no help. Quite frankly, Sariah was sick of Claud trying to get her to help decorate the mansion ("But you can use your telekinesis to put the star on the tree!"). These things depressed her even more- she just didn't like Christmas because she had never had a real one, and she did not know what she was truly missing.

The promise of a few peaceful weeks in the mansion with only a few other occupants was the only thing Sariah looked forward to, next to spending more time with her sister. It kind of hurt that she could not celebrate with Kurt though. She had only just discovered they were siblings; celebrating the biggest holiday of the year with Kurt might have made Christmas something to be excited about.

The night before everyone was to go home for the holidays, Sariah was surprised all the students in the living room, moving among themselves as if they were at a party. Upon closer inspection, Sariah realized everyone was exchanging gifts.

She immediately turned to leave the room, embarrassed she had no gifts for the others.

"Hey, Sariah!" called Claudia, drawing attention to the girl. All eyes turned on her, and suddenly, a flood of people was heading towards her shoving boxes and packages and bundles at her- so many, in fact, that she could not hold them all at once.

"But I have no gifts for you guys," blushed Sariah. Every time she tried to give back the gifts, they were shoved back.

Eventually, the crowd subsided and Sariah found herself staring down at the gifts in surprise.

"Guess what, Sariah?!" said a pink cheeked Onikah, bouncing up to Sariah. Her hair was in braids. She wore a lovely grey, pink, and white sweater with reindeers, trees, and snowflakes. She wore jeans and brown boots with fur trim. She looked excited about something.


"There was a HUGE blizzard where mom and dad are so there's no flights there! So Angelo and I are staying for Christmas!"

"That doesn't sound awesome."

"Well, we get to hang out over vacation and spend Christmas together! It'll be fun!"

"Then that's great!"

Flushing pink, Onikah ran off to join Kitty, who had a gift for her.

Sariah stared at all the presents she had been given. Kurt noticed. 

"Are you OK Sariah?" asked Kurt.

"I- I've never gotten Christmas presents before," she whispered, her eyes not leaving the gifts.

"Never?" asked Kurt in bewilderment.

"Never," repeated Sariah.

"Well, now you have presents!" 

Sariah picked up as many as he could, and Kurt as many as he could. With the rest of the gifts floating alongside them (Sariah was very grateful for telepathy that day), they walked up to Sariah's room.

"You've been really quiet lately," said Kurt, worried.

"Christmas depresses me," said Sariah.

Kurt laughed. "Christmas?!" he exclaimed.

"Don't laugh! I've never properly celebrated it before and I have no one but Rogue to celebrate it with! It isn't exactly the happiest time of year for me, Kurt!"

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