~Part 1~

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~Sai's POV~

"Miss. Sai please wake up," a maid said "-sigh- you two start school today." At this i shoot straight up and look at the maid she had a cart with food and was holding a yellow monstrosity of a uniform. I start to laugh at the dress and reach for the orange juice "I'm not wearing that Anna." She just giggles throws it to the side and gives me a much cuter outfit " your sister has the grey one just so you know!" With that she leaves I finish the plate of eggs and get changed. I go into my bathroom and put on my glasses and style my now purple and greeen hair and check my nails, yep everything is perfect. I do the rest of my morning routine  i leave the bathroom put on my knee highs and my red heels ok I'm done and i look perfect! I grab my sylveon phone, and pink moon bag then meet my sister who was waiting outside for me she was wearing the same thing just with grey shorts a black bag and different nails oh and different glasses accessories. "Aren't you excited Shi!? You look sad." "Yeah its just I don't like getting picked on for being a Lolita and i just think that's gonna happen." "Don't worry i heard that everyone there loves things like this!" She just nods with a small smile. "Miss's its time to go! The car is ready!"

(Timeskip now they at the school)

We step out of the car and i look at the school and oh lord its... pink... don't get me wrong i love pink but not as the primary color of a school especially one as prestigious as this! We walk the main path and once we pass the large gate the few students that where outside eyes lock onto us and as we pass a group of girls fawning over a pair of orange haired twins i could hear a few whispers "are they commoners?" "I don't think so..." "then where are their uniforms." Then we pass them unable to hear their conversation but i could feel them staring bullets into the back of  our heads. Once we get into the school we take out our schedules. "Where in class 1A we should probably ask someone where that is." Shi just nods but while she was looking down she accidentally bumped into someone "oh I'm sorry." She replayed to the boy she bumped into "hey its fine, i heard you where looking for class 1A right?" We nod and he smiles "I'm Hahuri I'm in that class i can show you the way!" "Thank you that would be a big help!" We walk down the hall ignoring the stares and learning a bit about the boy he was nice! We reach the door and go in making a beeline for the teachers desk. We talk to the nice lady and told us to go two rows behind Hahuri and we can introduce ourselves once the bell rings and everyone is in.

(Ten minutes later)

"Alright everyone" the teacher says gaining everyone's attention "we have two new students with us today, would you please come down and introduce yourselfs! I get up grab my sisters hand and skip down to the front and say "hello everyone! Our names are Sai and Shi Ningyo," everyone gasped "its nice to meet you please take care of us." We bow at the same time and a lot of the girls start saying 'kawaii!' "Any questions?" A few hands shoot up the first one i point to belongs to the left carrot head twin "yes?" "Why are you dressed so weirdly?" I just let out an annoyed sighed moving my right foot so that it clicked loudly on the ground as i moved it infront of me and crossing my arms "if you must know we are Lolitas and didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" I asked in a much more annoyed tone. I turn to the next hand witch was a guy who asks "are either of you single?" I just ignore him and turn to the next hand a girl this time "where can i get that outfit?" "Oh its going to be released to stores in a month or two then you can get it!" We answer a few more questions then go to sit down again, although this time we have the carrot heads infront of us.  

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