Chapter 1

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"Today's the day." I said

Today is my first day on the main roster. I'm so excited and nervous. What if the fans hate me? What if I have a terrible career.....

"Uh buddy you ok there?"

Oh shoot did I say all that out loud?

"Yeah I'm ok just nervous."

"Oh yeah you're the new guy. Nice to meat you I'm Lexi Kaufman but my ring name is Alexa Bliss.v

"Hi Lexi I'm Thomas Braudaway. So do you mind showing me where Paul's office is? He told me to visit him to talk about my first match."

"Yeah it's right down that hall."


"Before you leave let me give you my number, just imcase you need more help or anyone to talk to."

"Thanks. Now I gotta go see you later."

As i walk down the hall I think to myself. Wow she was really nice. And really beautiful. But not now Thomas you gotta talk to Stephanie, Kurt, and Paul right now. I know I'm the door and hear someone say come in.

"Hello Thomas, please sit." Stephanie tells me

"So what am i doing first on the main roster?"

"Well Bobby Roode is going have a open challenge and we want you to take it. I think it will cause a lot of hype and maybe in a month or 2 you could win a title."

"Sounds good to me.... Well I guess I'll go get my gear on and get ready."

I go to the locker room with my bag and I find the locker room. As I walk in I see someone I actually know...... Finn Balor

Alexa Bliss X OCWhere stories live. Discover now