Chapter 2

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"Finn it's been too long man!!" I know him because I went to his wrestling school in Ireland with Becky Lynch.

"I'm glad you finally made it! And look I won the Universal Championship last night at Wrestlemania!"

"No injury?"

"No injury."

We then continue talking then I heard some fighting outside. I decide to check it out and I see Lexi fighting with some guy. I just watch until he swings at her and I grab him away from her. "Woah dude who the fuck do you think you are? You almost hit her."

"Get out my way chump. She's my girlfriend."

"Ex girlfriend."

"Now how about you leave or I might just tell Vince about this and you don't want that." As he walks off I feel Lexi hug me from the side.

"Thanks Thomas I really appreciate you helping me."

"Well he shouldn't of tried to hit you."

"Hey it's almost your que Thomas." Kurt tells me.

"Now is there anyone in the back that has the balls to stand up to me?" Bobby yells

I wait a few seconds then my music hits. It was amazing! The crowd loved it. I walk out yo the ring and the match starts.


I put Bobby in a headlock and I Irish whip him and I hit with a dropkick. I then pick him up for a snap suplex but he counters and suplexes me.  He gets a few hits in til I counter a forearm and hit a DDT. I go for the cover
Kick out

I lift him and throw him to the turnbuckle and I do a running knee. I go up top to hit my signature, the Five Star Frog Splash and I hit it
Kick out

I taunt for a bit and he kicks up and delivers a spinebuster. Then another. Then he lifts me up for a Glorious DDT. I counter with a Northern Lights Suplex. Then I deliver a standing elbow drop and pick him up for a powerbomb. He then catches me and delivers his Glorious DDT
Kick out

It was almost a three. He picked me up for another spinebuster but I counter and Irish Whip him and when he comes back around I connect with the Superkick and pin him.


I cheer and taunt. When I head backstage i am greeted by Kurt, Lexi, Finn, and many other wrestlers. "Thank you everyone, especially you Kurt."


Ok next chapter I will focus on Lexi's point of view so I hope you like this story and I know it's not the best but I'm new to this so take it easy on me.

Alexa Bliss X OCWhere stories live. Discover now