Chapter 31: holiday

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Beca's POV

Today is finally my last day of work before the holiday. Chloe and I are going the 23th for a Christmas diner at my dad's house than after we are leaving on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with Chloe's family in Oregon. I'm really excited, it's Chloe and I first Christmas together (since we are together and also engaged).

In my office.

"Ms.Mitchell, your fiancé is calling on first line!"My new assistant told me. Yah I got a new assistant, her name is Clary.
"Okay thanks!" I say. I pick up the phone.

Chloe:Hi! Are you full busy?
Beca: no no it's okay what's up?
Chloe:I was just checking on you to know when you'll be back home? And also your dad calls, and we said that for the 23th, it's at 4:30PM.
Beca:Oh okay! And euh I'll be there around... What time is it now? It's 1:00. I'll check with Clary and I'll try to be there before 5 okay?
Chloe: okay already. Okay bye I love you
Beca:Bye I love you too!

I hang out the phone with Chloe and got back to work.
Clary came in my office.
"Ms.Mitchell you need to sign all these documents before leaving for your holidays." Clary wearing me.
"Okay Yah Yah I'll do it." I Says


"Okay Clary Im leaving! Have nice holiday with your family. See ya after Christmas." I Says
"Thank you! You too ms.Mitchell."
"Okay Bye Guys! Happy holiday!" I wave and leaving the studio. Direction my fiancé's arms.

When I got at home, I opened the door slowly.
"Chlo?! I'm home!" I didn't see Chloe anywhere.
"Oh hi babe!" Chloe finally got out of our room.
"Oh there you are!" I Says and leaned towards her and pull her against me for a hug. Than she gives me a quick kiss on my lips.
"How was your day?" She ask me
"Ugh exhausting!" I Says
"I had some much stuff to sign and complete before leaving for the holiday..."I said
"Oh no... but nos the important thing is your at home with me and we have a whole month to ourselves head of us." She Says
"Yup Im excited about that!"

Few moment later. I was in my office doing a bit of work, when Chloe came in. She put her arms around my neck and kiss me on the cheek, than she start to make me a kind of shoulder massage.
"Babe What are you doing? I thought you were in vacation now! You shouldn't continue to work." Chloe says while she was massaging my shoulder and my neck.
"Yah I know its just that I had to respond at some really important emails. But I'm almost over with it." I Says
"Yah Promise." I promised
"But it's start to be late. I'll go to bed, come join me please?!" She begs me
"Head first I'll join you in a few..." I said
"Come on becs!" She says
"2 Minutes!?" I said
"Ugh okay. But just two minutes!"
"2 Minutes Promise!" I said
"Okay, I'll waiting for you in the bed." She gives me another kiss in the cheek before getting out of my office. I finish to respond to my emails and joins Chloe into bed.
"See it wasn't so long." I Says Really proud of myself
"Ok Yah maybe you're right." She Says
I lifted the blankets and I settled in the bed,and got myself closer of Chloe to cuddle with her. I tried to put my arms around her waist but she didn't move, she looks mad.
"Aww Baby come on! Cuddle with me! Please! Are you mad at me?" I said
"Nah...I'm not mass at you....okay just a little. you were not supposed to continue working as soon as you're back from the studio, but you did."
"Babe I just had to respond at a few's not the end of the world. So please now can we just cuddle?! The only thing I really want to do right now is to cuddle with my fiancé. May I?" I said
"Okay okay you win on that one!" She Says. And she finally let me put my arms around her. Oh it's feel so good to be in her arms. I could stay like that for the rest of my life...this is pretty much what I am planning to do, this is why we are getting married. We spend a wonderful night. We literally spend the whole night cuddling,kissing,laughing together... it was great.

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