Part One

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"Hey, today is our first year anniversary, but sorry we can't celebrate it together. Yeah you know, I'm on US tour right now. I'm so sorry, I really am. But I promise I will be home soon. I miss you so much. I wish you were here but I know you can't skip school. I wanna see your beautiful face. I miss you, I really do. I hope this short video would makes you feel better. I love you so much, babe. Take care. Bye."

I sighed. I had just watched a video from Niall I had received about 5 minutes ago. I saw the clock on the small table beside my bed. It was almost midnight. This day was almost over. Then, I reached my blackberry and sent him a bbm.

'I miss you too, so much. How you doing babe?'

But he didn't reply. I wrote him another one.

'I love you so much. It hurts to not seeing you for couple weeks...'

But he still didn't reply. I threw my blackberry at my pillow. My tears started rolling down my cheeks.

It had been 3 weeks since Niall had gone to America for 1D tour. He was too busy with his concerts and interviews in the US now and the different timezones made everything worse. He didn't have time for me anymore. I was thinking to breaking up with him, but I just couldn't. I loved him so much more than anyone else knew and I believed he loved me too.

But I was tired. I cried every night because of him, but he wasn't here to hug me, kiss me, and tell me that everything was going to be alright.

Suddenly, I noticed the red light on my blackberry was blinking. I reached it and I saw I had one new bbm. I opened it then I screamed as I saw that one was from Niall. I wiped my tears away.

'Can we meet on skype now please? I really miss you.'

I screamed again. Finally he replied my bbm less than 10 minutes. The different timezones always separated me and him.

My hands were shaking when I was typing a reply to Niall.

'Yes, of course. Miss you too.'

I turned my laptop on and immediately I got one chat on skype from Niall.

'Hey babe! Please turn your webcam on! I wanna see you!'

I smiled. I turned my webcam on and Niall's face was the first thing I saw. He looked at me then smiled.

"Happy first year anniversary, darling. I love you so much," he said.

My tears were about to fall again, but I held them back. I just didn't want Niall to see me cry. I didn't want to look weak in front of him and made him worried about me.

I smiled. "I love you too, babe."

"Did you cry?" he asked. "Your eyes look... puffy."

I startled. "No! I just yawn! I just- I just woke up. I was so tired."

"Oh God, I'm sorry for waking you up, babe. You can go back to sleep again if you want." He threw me a smile but I could see clearly in his eyes he was sorry.

"It's okay. I'd rather talk to you than sleep." I smirked.

"Don't ever hide something from me, okay?" he asked as if he could read my mind. "I couldn't promise you I could remove all your pain, but I promise you I would always be there to face them with you."

"Thanks, babe. You're so sweet." I gave him my best smile. His words had never failed to cheer me up.

The next second, his eyes looked bright again. "Did you get the video I sent you earlier? Anyway, what time is it there babe? It's around 10 in the morning over here in the US. I just ate my breakfast. Oh, guess what I got!" asked Niall excitedly.

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