{ 20 } what i needed to here

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Those extremely happy moments that make you deeply believe you'll never get sad again .. are worth million "full-moon" nights (and those nights are stunning)

In some cases ..it's sadness that takes over .. tickles my brain sometimes .
Why do I have to suffer when I could have been surfing high positive frequencies ?

It is okay to ask why
It is okay to cry it all off
But what's not ok is longing to bad mood and self abuse just because you're used to it ; don't
Not that I love you but because I'm starting to love me and want you to feel that too little fighter .
I've never received ungratefulness from my gratefulness , therefore I'm grateful for whispering sound deep down as a form of alert pushing me not to give up , miracles had dwelled nebulously in the darkness of my trials .
Here I am begging you to pull threw just a little more

{ if you're waiting for a sign this is it }.

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