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    The next day went just as slowly as the last one. The only difference is that Josh was constantly keeping an eye out for the jock. He did a little eavesdropping and found out his name was Jack. To his total lack-of-surprise, he's very popular around school. That fact alone put him in more heat than he thought. If Jack starts to make other students go against him...

No, he shouldn't think that way. The more it's in his mind, the greater the possibility of it happening. Still, there's the question of why Jack's so fixated on him. All it took was one chase and now he's after him like a lion! However...

"Quit acting like you don't care about anything! It pisses me off!"

    Why would he be angered by the way he behaves? It's not like he can control everyone he meets-- which would be freaky. Still, that's a weird thing to say to a guy you never knew up until some girl whined about him. Josh shook his head as dismissal finally came, just making it out the doors when he was harshly pulled aside.

"Now you're going to start caring.", a familiar voice hissed at him.

Josh could feel a deep scowl on his face, "Don't you have anything better to do than bothering me?"

"I do, actually, but this is more important."

He rolled his eyes, moving the buff arm away, "Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather not be confronted by some superstar creep who can't-"

    To be fair, he might've had it coming due to the way he was acting towards Jack. Still, the searing pain in his cheek came out of nowhere and left him dazed for a second. It didn't last long before more pain came to his gut. The teen growled, swinging out a fist and making contact somewhere. By the hard grunt he heard, it must've been a pretty sensitive spot.

    Josh took the chance and started running, not looking back once as anger fueled his sprint. Of course, he had to open his mouth and get snarky! He should've just left and ignored the guy, but NO-- his ever-present bitterness got to him again. That's exactly why he resorted to keeping out of everything. One slip up and the whole cycle would repeat itself...humiliation, sadness, isolation, and repeat!

    He grits his teeth as that thought crossed him. Is this going to keep happening? Just how long is Jack going to keep this up? Most importantly, what is he gonna do? He certainly won't get a chance getaway like that the next time they meet, and he may not even be alone next time!

Before he knew it, he was back at the Mystery House. He had previously decided that a name would be suited for it since he'd most likely be going there a lot. It didn't seem to be out of full curiosity anymore, but for the simple fact that he could vent a little with the creatures inside. They didn't seem to care— in fact, they actually seemed to encourage it! Josh leaned against the living room wall, pounding an arm against the wall.

Goddamn idiot!, he thought angrily, What the hell was I thinking? Now that jerk is gonna be all over me! I..I...

"GODDAMIT!", he screamed. He can't break now..not here.

"Asshole..if only he weren't so stubborn. It'd be so much better if he could just-"

"Disappear?", a voice asked, making him look over to see Freddy looking at him with what looked like concern.

Josh smiled slightly, "I would want that, but then the school would probably go crazy trying to keep the students safe."

"True, but it is an option.", the bear said with a sadistic smirk.

    Small growling sounds could be heard, making Josh glance around. Freddy didn't seem to mind it, though his smirk seemed to widen slightly. Something started moving under his suit sleeve, drawing the teen's attention. The lump made its way over to the bear's chest before a small cub poked its head out of the jacket opening. It looked at him with bright white eyes, seemingly innocent. If that wasn't enough, two more appeared from behind the bear and climbed onto his shoulders.

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