It All Ends in Flames

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Abandoned House Set Ablaze

An abandoned home in a quiet neighborhood was set ablaze yesterday. The home was left suddenly years ago, unknown to any of the neighbors. Evidence and eyewitness accounts suggest that arson may be the cause of the fire. Two teenagers have been taken in by police for questioning, along with a third who was associated with them. A fourth teen is also being searched for, but he has been reported missing after the fire was put out.


    Sophie had mixed emotions after the fire, but most of it was worry for her brother and his friends. She knew Josh would go back there again, but she didn't know where he was since they didn't find him when the fire was put out. Did he run away? Did it have something to do with that bully?

    She honestly couldn't say for sure, and it made her worry even more. A few days passed since then, and Josh was nowhere to be found! There was no trace of him at the site of the fire, so he could be anywhere. Maybe he went with them, but why? She only found out about his secret the day before the fire, so she couldn't say she knew how he felt about them! The questions kept her up all night until a voice called to her.


She sat up in her bed instantly, recognizing the deep voice that held a surprisingly gentle tone. She looked around the dimly lit room, not finding anything until her closet door cracked open. A shadowy form walked out, red eyes glowing gently in the darkness. Part of it was illuminated by the moonlight, revealing dark fur as well as a set of jaws set on its stomach.

"I-is Josh alright?", she stuttered out, casting aside the question of how the visitor came into her room.

"He's okay, but he is hurt.", they replied sadly, "He wanted me to make sure you knew he's alright."

"Will he come back?"

The creature shifted uncomfortably, "I...don't know if he can. He was hurt pretty badly, so we had to change him in a way. I doubt anyone would recognize him once it's done."

    Silence followed the explanation, not that either of them minded. Sophie took a moment to let it sink in, her heart freezing. If Josh doesn't come back, it must mean he's staying with them. However, what will he do? How will he live his life? What's going to happen with her and her parents as a result?

"Will I ever see him again?", she asked quietly, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

The creature smiled gently, "Of course. You are important to him after all. It may be a while until he comes, but I'm sure he'll stop by for a visit."

It still hurt her to know Josh was gone, but it turned bittersweet with the knowledge that he's okay.


    The chirping of crickets pierced the silence of the night, accompanied by the soft light of the moon. Lights flickered on the few buildings in sight, only one of them had a constant illumination. It had a sign over the top, populated by a sickly green bear and a rabbit in a similar condition. The lettering underneath the duo was torn, leaving no hint as to what the building held.

Nearby, five glowing pairs of eyes watched from the shadows.

"Is that really where we're going to live?", a voice asked, "It looks kind of...small."

"I can't explain it, but somethings drawing me towards it.", a deep voice said, "Besides, we can't stay hidden out here forever, plus it won't be long until Nightmare finishes."

"Aye.", an accented voice added, "Wouldn't want the lad to wake up in the middle o' nowhere."

     Nodding to each other, the group made their way towards the building. The rusted walls and door came into view when they got close enough, the smell of dust and debris flowing through the air. Unbeknownst to them, however, the building was already occupied.

Only time will tell how the events will play out, but the story is done for now...


A.N: Wow, this one turned out better than I originally thought! When I was working out the plot for this story, I knew I wanted to make the main character become a sort of apprentice to The Nightmares. Part of my inspiration came from a FNAF4 x child! reader by mylittlehedgie14, where the reader is the bite victim and actually ends up turning into a nightmare themselves. I read it a few years ago when I was starting out on Wattpad. Add in the fact that I made a NightmarexReader oneshot and this story is born!

And to answer the question: Yes. There will be one.

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