8. Learning To Control It

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Caleb walked with me to the dining room later that afternoon. I was nervous to say the least, a little scared even.

"I don't want to be in there alone, can't you come in with me?" I asked Caleb for the millionth time since we arrived at his uncle's place.

"I don't think it would be right, my uncle is going to explain to you what he's seen in your future that will help you. He might say something that you don't want anyone to know about, I know he told me something I didn't understand at the time."

"Please Caleb, I can keep my composure but...but if he tells me that I won't be able to...I need you there with me, please Caleb." I begged.

"Are you sure?" he asked when we reached the doors.

"A hundred percent...no, more, I don't want to be alone..." he squeezed my hand and opened the door.

"Alright, I'll come with you but I'm going to ask my uncle to talk to you in your thoughts."

"If that's the only way, then it's fine with me."

We sat at the table while Caleb talked to his uncle who was completely at ease. He must have seen this happen, how boring life must be for him.

"It is different I agree Caleb but she is more comfortable with you by her side. She feels safe with you, that my young nephew is quite an accomplishment." He was talking about me like I wasn't here but he spoke the truth, I did feel safe with Caleb. I didn't know why but I did.

"Is my family going to be okay?" I asked suddenly. I bit my lip as I waited for his reply but his mouth didn't move, he just closed his eyes.

"Their futures are normal, your mother only worries a great deal about you. Your sister is not one of us; she holds more of your mother's blood than your fathers." I heard Sebastian's voice as clear as a whistle in my mind.

"And my friends..."

"Their futures are intertwined with yours," he said in my mind again. "They are safe as long as the three of you are together. If one strays off the path, the others will fall."

"Will I be...?"

"Your ability is the strongest of the three but that also makes you the most likely to stray. You must keep in mind those you love and you will be fine my dear."

"But what if..."

"Caleb will be there for you and so will your friends, they love you too. They don't want you to go away."

I looked at Caleb, this was the only thing I didn't want him to know about, my dream. "I had a dream the night we first touched the willow, can you tell me anything about it?"

Sebastian shook his head and Caleb looked at me with a frown, he knew about the troll dream but not my darker one.

"I was just concerned by its meaning, was it like a vision or something?"

"It is known as Precognition, it's your 'danger sense'. That is all I can tell you."

"Thank you."

"Now to explain your ability..."


"Really, that sounds amazing. But wouldn't it be hard if the weather happens to be connected to my mood?" I asked after Sebastian explained my ability.

"You have a strong control of your emotions, my dear, I believe you will handle it. However, I think it would be wise if we left the weather manipulation for last."

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