17. How Far Is Too Far?

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"Can we talk outside Angel?" Amber asked me when she finished helping Ian. Caleb was hanging over me and tickling me, he kept me where I was as I struggled to get away.

"Sure Am-" I laughed in between. "-ber, one moment." I grabbed Caleb's hand and lightly bit on his arm. He shot up and I was free.

"Getting wild on me, are you? Better be careful, next time I'll bite back." He said as I stood up and walked past him. He tried to grab my leg but I was too quick for him.

"Slowpoke," I said and followed Amber outside. She walked up until we were by the side of the road and turned to face me.

"We need to talk about you and Caleb, I've noticed your relationship has gotten..."


"Well, very physical Angel and that worries me. Ian told me that he spent the past three nights at your house, all night." She said and looked at the grass.

"Yes and..."

"Well, have the two fo you..."

"What? No! Amber!" I moved past her and then came to stand in front of her again. "No Amber, you know me better than that. I wouldn't just sleep with anyone." I said.

"I know but Caleb isn't just anyone, he's your first love and when you feel so strongly for someone..."

"I'm an old fashioned girl Amber, I want to get married before I even think of doing something like that and Caleb knows that. How about you and Ian, have the two of you?" I asked and my cheeks started to get hot.

"No, we've only kissed but I can tell when he stops himself from getting carried away." She said and started to play with her hair.

"Can I ask you something else?" I asked Amber.

"Yes." She said.

"How do you know when Ian gets, you know, carried away?" I asked.

"Well, I'd have to say when he kisses my neck and shoulder. His hands go down to the bottom of my shirt and he pulls me very close to him. It's happened twice and both times we were on the couch, each time I ended up sitting on his lap. Then he would lift me off him and say we had to stop before he did something he would regret." Her cheeks got even redder and she put her hands to her cheeks.

"He's a gentleman," I said and smiled at Amber.

"I have to say thank you, Angel." She suddenly said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For helping Ian to win me back, he wouldn't tell me how but he said that you helped him. Thank you for helping him, I hope we're always friends because I don't know what I'll do without you." She said and flung her arms around me. I hugged her back and held back the tears I felt in my eyes.

"I don't know what I would do without you either Amber, you or Anna. You're my best friends and I love you both like you're my sisters." I said and sniffed the tears back.

"Don't cry, Angel." She said but I could hear in her voice she was close to crying as well.

"I won't but then you shouldn't either," I said and then suddenly both of us were drenched from head to toe. I looked at the road and saw a car driving off at a fast speed and the big puddle next to us on the road was gone. We released each other and we started to laugh. We walked back to the house and opened the door.

"Caleb, could you do me a favour and get me a towel please," I shouted into the house. "Oh and one for Amber as well if you don't mind, quickly."

We stood in front of the open door as Caleb came into view with two towels in his hands.

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