Reaper Arc: Episode III- The Children of Discord

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Ken and the others watch over Arashi as his heart rate starts to go back up, until they hear a knock on the door. Felix peers his head out the door, "Mind if I come in?" Ken doesn't even look in Felix's direction, "Come in." When Felix does, everyone is surprised as Ken punches him in the stomach, "Okay, I deserved that after what I put you all through. I'm really sorry...especially to Arashi. I didn't mean for him to get hurt." Ken finally looks up at him, "You really think that's why I'm pissed at you? Of course I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen! No one excepts to have to break their friend out of Exorcist Watch, much less to fight demons along the way! What I expect from you, is to tell us when something's wrong with you! We're your friends, dammit!"

"You're right, I'm sorry I promise I won't do anything like that again. From now on, you guys will know everything." Ken then calms down, "Good. Let's go, visiting hours are almost over." As everyone walks out, Mia stops for a second. "What's wrong, Mia?" Skylar asks.

"Nothing." However, she asks herself, That magic energy was so dark. It couldn't really be coming from Felix couldn't it? Even when he had the jewel, he wasn't giving off an energy like this. So why now?

Meanwhile, in a dark hall, Helios is in a cell, explaining something to a young man. "How else can I say it, Spark?! Reaper has you trapped here- and honestly you have no one to blame but yourself. You let your fear take over. You gave Reaper the chance he was waiting for to make you take his place in your mind." All of a sudden he hears a voice, "Do you like your new room, Felix?" Felix's sadness turns to anger. "Reaper!" 

"I'll take that as no, but you know what I don't care. Y'know this was my prison. You kept me in there for to long, Spark! It's about time you let me out!"

"What the hell is the point of this?"

"My cult, Raven's Eye has been doing work for centuries, spreading fear through the hearts of many. I anticipated the White Sage's attempt to get rid of me well in time. I gave my people a task. to keep searching for the Jewel and free me. Unfortunately, you found it first and bonded with it. Now all I need to is go back to our main base in Egypt. We'll perform a ritual that will separate your body from the Jewel."

"And if you do that while you're in control...I'll be stuck in here forever."

"Well, actually, you and these personalities will all be erased from existence." Helios gets enraged. "What!"

"Whoops, did I never tell you that? Well, I've got a got a ritual to prepare for and a world to take over." Helios flares up, burning off Felix's clothes as well as his own. "Reaper, you BASTAAARD!" There's no response. Helios then breathes fire, destroying his and Felix's cell. Come on, Spark! We're breaking out the others." 

Meanwhile Ken and "Felix" are asleep in their dorm. The window opens and a goth-looking man pops out the window. He turns to Reaper and whispers "Master." Reaper, wakes up and says "So you're from Raven's Eye?"

"Yes, I the others told me how you were trapped in the Jewel of Discord." he then smiles and licks his lips. "However, they also said that by now, there was no doubt you've succeeded in taking over the boy's body."

"Yeah, it took a little longer than I thought, but it all worked out. Is our transportation ready?" 

"In a second, master." The man cuts his hand and puts it out the window. "Beast Summon: Purple Raven!" A large purple raven appeared. Reaper then knocks the man on the head, "Could you be any louder? There's someone else here, imbecile." Sure enough, the noise had woken Ken. "Who the hell are you and what're you doing with my friend?"

"The name's Arsene. Your friend has to come with me." Ken charges at Arsene only to be stopped by a blow to the stomach and then he is the knocked through the roof. "Sorry for the interruption, Master. On we go to Cairo!" Arsene and Reaper hop onto the raven and fly to the main base in Egypt. 

In Felix's mind, he and Helios have now freed Naku, Mist and Lux from their cells. "Thanks," says Lux. He then starts chuckling, "but why are you and Spark naked? I know this place looks like a prison, but-"

"Finish that joke and you won't have to worry about Reaper destroying you."

Upon hearing of Reaper's plan, Naku breaks down and rocks back and forth in fetal position, "We're all gonna die!"

"Yeah, and it's not like any of us could beat him. He's too much for any of us." said Mist, "It'd be easier to just sit here and get erased. We had a good run."

"Think, guys," says Helios, annoyed. "Reaper may be too powerful for one of us, but all of us together can take stop him." He then kneels down, puts his hand on his shoulder and calmly tells him, "And plus you don't even have to worry about Reaper...because if you don't come with us, I'll kill you right here and now. The same goes for you Mist." His hand burns with a red flame, frightening Haku and Mist. "So, how do we stop Reaper?" 

"First, we find our way out of this prison." says Lux, "Then, we find Reaper's conscience. We beat the crap out of it and Spark gets back in control. Finally, we put that fear loving douche in a cell and see how he likes it!" Helios's eyes light up. "And then I get to torture him?!"

"What ever you want, you freakin' nutcase." says Lux. Helios cheers, "Hell yeah! Let's do this." He leads the way burning down doors and spewing fire for fun.

Ken after being propelled hundreds of feet into the air, is now heading straight for the ocean. Luckily, Skylar flies over and catches him just before he hits the water. "Thanks, Sky. How'd you know I was falling?"

"Duh, I heard you screaming and your green hair stands out."

"Okay, but what were you doing all the way out here?"

"I was actually at home. The sound of your screaming woke me up. I saw you out my window and flew over here."

"But how could you even hear me all the- never mind- something happened to Felix!"

"I'll call Violet and Gray. You get Solis."

Hours later, the group meets at Solis's mansion, where Ken explains what happened to Felix. "...and the guy called himself Arsene." Solis has a serious look on his face, "Another Raven's Eye cultist. And the worst part is we have no idea where he would have taken Felix."

"There is a way," Gray, "we've done some research on Raven's Eye, but most of it is classified. Only the 12 Staffs can look at it."

"Asking for their information would mean having to explain Felix and the Jewel of Discord. We can't do it."

"Why not?" asks Skylar. "Won't they want to keep his Relic secret, too?"

"Yes, and they'll also want to take Felix and make him into a living weapon." Gray adds, "He'd be taken to a boot camp were he'll train day and night to become an emotionless machine who'll do whatever the Staffs tell him too. That is, if he isn't mentally broken first. The instructors tend to take training a little too seriously sometimes."

Solis then has an idea, "There is actually one member of the Staffs we can trust. My son, Dante!"

"Hell no!" Mia, who was eavesdropping, barges into the room. "We're not calling him." Skylar gets annoyed, "Look, Mia, I don't know what you have against your dad, but this is for Felix. Can't you put this aside just for him?"

"Fine! Call him, but don't expect me to talk to him!" Mia storms upstairs as Solis picks up the phone and calls Dante, "Hey, Dante. I know it has been too long. I need you."

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