Reaper Arc: Episode V- What He Never Told Anyone

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Mia finds Reaper lying unconscious on an altar, with black energy circling around him. Surrounding him are Raven's Eye cultists keeping the ritual going. Mia wastes no time incapacitating them with her new magic and the moves she learned from Ken and Arashi. She then pulls out a book from her purse, "The Mind Insertion Technique...hope this works." Mia closes her eyes and places her head on Reaper's. A pink light transfers from her forehead to Reaper's and disappears.

When Mia wakes up, she finds herself walking down a black hall. She opens the first door she finds and finds herself outside on a playground. She immediately notices a little boy with black glasses being picked on bigger kids, "Is that Felix? Of course- I'm in his memories. This is what it was like for him growing up."

"So you think you're so much smarter than the rest of us don't you Spark?!" says a young girl surrounded by a group of guys. They've corned Felix, who is on his knees crying, "N-no-I never said anything like that!"

"So now you're talking back are you? Do we have to remind of your place here?" The girl snaps her fingers and two of the boys grab Felix and drag him to a nearby pond, where they proceed to push his face into the water, over and over. In some of the brief moments when his face is above water, Felix shouts, "Let me go!"

"Sorry," the girl says, licking a lollipop as she watches, "can't hear you. You'll have to speak more clearly." Lightning surges around young Felix's body, "LET ME GOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Felix releases a shock wave that incapacitates all the other children. Terrified at what he has done, Felix runs away screaming.

Mia left that memory and found herself in another memory a few years later

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Mia left that memory and found herself in another memory a few years later. Felix was in a library working on something. "You done yet, Spark?" asks a much bigger kid. "I'm almost done."

"You said that half an hour ago! I gotta turn that assignment in tomorrow!"

"It'll be done before then, I promise."

"Are you talking back to me? I guess I have to teach you manners."

The young boy grabs Felix as he tries to get away. Mia looks away crying until she hears a loud sparking sound and a scream. She looks back and sees Felix with slightly torn clothes, crying and looking in horror.

Mia leaves that memory and enters a house, "This must be where Felix lives." she said, looking around the house. His father, Elias, comes home and is upset, "Felix, I got a call from school on the way here. Another incident happened again?"

"I'm sorry, Dad. When they keep beating on me it just happens."

"I know, but I thought you would've gotten at least some control of it by now. We can't keep transferring you from school to school. This keeps up, your mom might make us try that method I keep trying to talk her out of."

"I know, I'm sorry Dad."

Mia steps out of this memory and ends up in another memory months later. Felix is in a therapist's room, lying back in a chair as his therapist enters the room, holding a paper and a marker. "Are you ready, Felix?"

"Sure," he replies unenthusiastically, let's get it over with. The therapist writes on a piece of paper, Emotions are dangerous. Conceal, don't feel. The therapist then placed the note on Felix's head and placed his hands on Felix's head. A pink light glowed around Felix and when the paper was lifted off his head, the words on it were gone. Felix and his therapist leave the room. "How did it go?"  his mother, Mariam asks. "Just fine," replies the therapist, "the Personality Rewrite Technique was a success. Though, I have to ask, is this really how you want your son? There's no way to reverse this, you know?" Felix's mom, looks at her son, then down on the floor, frowns and replies, "We don't have any other choice." She hugs Felix and starts crying, "I'm sorry, Felix." Felix has an emotionless look on his face as he replies, "Yeah, whatever. Let's just go home already."

Mia leaves this memory with tears rolling down her face, So you were lonely too

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Mia leaves this memory with tears rolling down her face, So you were lonely too. Felix, I had no idea you were hurting so much. No kid should have to go through what you did.

Meanwhile, Ken finds a way to defeat Jugo. He runs outside the hideout, confusing his friends. "Where the hell does Ken think he's going?" asks Skylar. "He's not going anywhere." replies Gray. A second later, Ken returns to Jugo with a body check so powerful, it creates a sonic boom, crushing the rocks on his body, thus weakening his defenses. "Gray, finish it!"

"Gladly. Kuroikage Demon Slaying Technique..." Gray's sword has a black aura around it, "Akuma no hakai!" Gray stabs Jugo, causing his body to turn into a black statue and then fall apart into multiple shards. "Ken, are you okay? That was a pretty reckless move you just made. You could have broken all your ribs."

"I'm fine. You guys can finish up here right? I want to go find Felix." Skylar nods, "I get it. Good luck, Todoroki." Ken nods back and dashes off. He finds Dante and Arsene battling, "Hey, you're the guy who kidnapped Felix! Where is he?!"

"He's in the room down that hall to the left." Arsene points in the direction he's describing. This confuses Dante, "You're just telling us where to find him?"

"Yeah, it's not like you can stop the ritual anyway, so what does it matter anyway? The most you can do is just say goodbye to your friend before he's erased from existence." Arsene laughs, angering Dante, who comes down on him with his glowing Solar Blade. "How can you be so nonchallant about killing an innocent kid?" Arsene grabs the blade and laughs again, "For what Raven's Eye is giving me, I'd kill a whole school of kids if they wanted me to- oh, did I mention you only have ten minutes left?"

"You bastard!" Dante swings repeatedly at Arsene who dodges every time. Ken continues onward and eventually finds Mia and Reaper. "This must be that technique Mia had in mind. Is she in his head?" Ken touches Reaper's head and their chests glow. After staring at the light, Ken falls over on top of Reaper, unconscious.

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