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markproperty: i want to have xxxx with you fatass

markproperty: i want to have xxxx with you fatass

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Donghyuck reached for his phone, desperatly waiting for a text message to get him out of his boredom. But he was confused once he opened his kakaotalk.

dingdong: wtf

markproperty: you dont like it Sicheng? I thought you wanted me to text you :/ way to ruin my mood

dingdong: Sicheng? As in Senior Sicheng? He fucking around now... HA! and here I thought he was a good boy

markproperty: I AM NO HOE HERE ... but may I know who you are

dingdong: a person

Mark chuckled at the person who he was texting, but left him on seen.

He looked at his other friends and they were either play fighting, watching tv, or cooking. He looked back down at his phone.

I'll talk to him later.

He thought and went over to the other boys and played around with them.

I should not make new stories but here i am writing a Marhyuck story. Anyway hello!

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