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marksproperty: there is no one down here on their phone. Are you upstairs? There is one guy smiling on their phone. Is that you?

"Time to leave." Donghyuck whispered and got up. He walked out of the whole house and walked back home — remembering the way he came. It was a long walk but he wanted to go home. Unlike Mark, Donghyuck is an actual good kid.

Mark watched Donghyuck leave — stalking him each time he saw him. Once he saw Donghyuck turn the corner he sighed and turned back to the party.

marksproperty: i cant find you :(

dingdong: its because im not there, once you started walking around my friends had to leave and i went with them.

marksproperty: um alright...

dingdong: yo guys

dingdong: i left the party, just letting you guys know before you start to look for me. But i doubt it. Anyway bye.

"Oh shit i sent it to Mark!" Donghyuck whispered — yet sounded like someone who lost their voice trying to scream.

[dingdong deleted two messages]

Mark read the two messages before Donghyuck deleted it. He sighed and looked at everyone in the party before ditching it to find Donghyuck.

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