10:35 AM

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It was 10:35 am and Wesley, Ainsley, Jordan and I were boarding the plane that would take us to London. We were sitting first class (thank you mom and dad) and I was sitting next to Wesley, the girls in the seats behind us. I took my headphones and phone out before switching it to Airplane Mode and turning on my favorite play list made up of OneRepublic, Florence and The Machine and Calvin Harris.

"This is your captain speaking, Flight 509 to London will be taking off shortly, thank you for flying with us!"

I turned over and grinned at Wesley only to find him snoring and cuddling into the seat. I snapped a quick picture of it and posted it to Twitter, @HarHarHar: aww so cute! @WEStcoast

I clicked the Trending Topics and wasn't that surprised to find the tag #AxelRose as number one, although my heart rate picked up a little at the sight of his name, and I didn't know why. He was just another guy.

"Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be, but lately I've been, I've been praying hard, said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars, yeah, we'll be counting stars..." I quietly hummed the lyrics to "Counting Stars" and soon, I drifted off to sleep.

"Should we wake her?" A male voice asked.

"I don't know, she looks peaceful." Another commented, slightly 'aww'ing.

"You idiots! We're getting off the plane now!"

My eyes snapped open at the noise, silencing Jordan from what she was about to say.

"Thanks for talking quietly," I mumbled, still sleepy.

Wesley grinned cheekily, "your welcome, love."

I rolled my eyes, "just because we're in London doesn't mean you just turn British!"

He shrugged innocently. "Are we going to get off now?" He asked in a crappy British accent.

I sighed, but a small smile wad evident on my face, "yeah, love."

I actually didn't mind him calling me 'love', no matter how choppy his accent was. After all, I was a girl, and girls usually had a thing for British accents, I wasn't an exception.

I stood up behind Wesley and Jordan, waiting in the aisle for the people ahead of us to move a little. God, they were so slow I could've watched the whole Lord Of The Rings series in the time it took to get off the plane.

I breathed in the air deeply as soon as I got off the plane, something that I always did since I was little, it was a force of habit now.

"Let's go get our stuff!" Jordan cried loudly.

"Jesus Christ Jordan, talk a little louder, would ya'?" Ainsley muttered from behind me.

I laughed, and so did Wesley, making Jordan glare at us. She stalked off to where she thought was the baggage claim, but it was actually the place immigrants go to get checked in.

We stood there, waiting for her to realize that there were no suitcases there, and I watched as she turned around slowly, a bright red blush spreading across her cheeks, "whoops," she mouthed to us, her eyes wide.


"Our parents are officially the best," Ainsley told us suddenly. We had just pulled up to the flat they rented out for us for the next couple weeks, and it was gorgeous. We had a whole floor to ourselves, with people above and below us, and it was nearby to the London Eye, something I wanted to go to very badly.

I eyed Wesley out of the corner of my eye, "have you told your parents yet?"

He looked at me, a grim expression etched on his face, "they don't know I'm back yet."

"Wha-Wesley, you have to talk to your parents!" I scolded.

"It's not my fault they didn't even say goodbye to me when I was leaving just because they didn't agree with my choice to not go to college." He had a 'drop it' kind of tone, and I did just that.

Talking about his parents was always a sensitive topic. They lived about thirty minutes away from our house, and they used to always drive over and stay at our house for dinner and vice versa. When he decided that he wanted to go join the military, his parents were upset. They knew it was an honor to serve your country but they didn't want to loose their little boy.

They lost him in the end, but it was all their doing, not the military's.

"Can someone else try?" Jordan asked us, holding the small apartment key in her hand.

I nodded, taking it from her and clicking it into the lock, turning it to open the door.

I pushed on it, and it swung inwards. "Whoa," I breathed.

The apartment was really big and had pretty light orange furniture and modern paintings hanging on the walls. I'm glad we rented or else we'd have to furnish, I thought.

"It's pretty!" Ainsley commented, taking it all in. I nodded in agreement and watched as Jordan rushed out of the room, probably to a bedroom.

"Jordan, wait!" I yelled, dropping my bags and sprinting after her.

I heard a door slam, and sighed as I realized that was now her room.

"Two of us have to share," Ainsley mentioned, slipping into a room across the hall with a smirk on her face.

I felt arms tickle my legs, and I screamed as Wesley picked me up bridal style, "I guess your parents don't have to know about this."

Joining in, I laughed, still in Wesley's arms.

He plopped me down onto the queen sized bed, a white duvet on it with a pretty blue and green stripes pattern.

The room had a blue bedside table and green curtains, with a white carpet on the floor. It had a door off to the side, and I opened it, surprised to see a bathroom, and Ainsley in it.

"We have to share a bathroom!" She shrieked.

I just stood there and laughed at her, she was currently re-braiding her red hair down her back. She held out the hair band to me and I tied the knot at the bottom, rolling my eyes at her need to look perfect all the time.

"Who wants to go explore?" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear me through their closed doors.

"You know I would, love, but I'm unpacking." Wesley told me.

"It's all good, I'll be back in an hour," I said to him.

"Nope!" Ainsley yelled, "I'm busy!"

I got the same answer from Jordan. Pulling on a black leather jacket over my The Beatles tank top and red and black flannel, I walked out of the door.

The cool air nipped at my nose and I was glad I wore jeans, even though the rips in them didn't really help keep the wind out.

I turned a corner, and another, before walking upon a row of little shops. Bakery, clothing store, book store, pawn shop, gift shop, the stores passed by endlessly as I wandered around. I stopped inside a Starbucks and got an iced coffee, before circling back around and heading back in the direction I thought the apartment was in.

I took out my phone and looked down at the screen, opening my messages when I crashed into something hard, and the cup and my phone flew out of my hand.

I fell to the ground, my ass hitting the cold pavemnt and my coffee spilling everywhere as I looked up to see the familiar face of who I walked into.

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