chapter 25 (i think)

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At this point we had moved back in with Joey and Daniel

I adored Claudia, she was my angel. Raven had moved in with Jack and Mark.
We're still together but we gotta finish school.

It felt so weird being back at Joey's house, Gerard was 30 minutes away, but he and his band were on tour, (remember this is fictional so mcr was still together)
Abbey lived with Josh at Lisa's, though they still visited Shane and Ryland.
So Claudia had Abbey's old room, Abbey was taking college classes online.
I was asleep, when I awoke to a tiny hand on my shoulder.
"Daddy, wake up! " She demanded, being in her terrible twos, can't wait until she's a Threenager! 😣
I got up, fixed her breakfast changed her diaper and that fun stuff.
I woke up Daniel so he could watch her while I get ready for school.

I take a shower,  get dressed,  and put on my book bag.

I kiss Claudia goodbye,  and Daniel kisses my forehead.

"Go tell your daddy good bye sweetie. "
"Okay dad. "
I head back up the stairs and open their bedroom door.
Joey was up editing a vlog.
"Hey sweetheart. " He said looking up for a moment.
"Dad told me to tell you bye." I said giving him a hug.
"I love you sweetie. " He said hugging me closer.

"I love you too,  what video are you editing?"

"I recreated some YouTuber Instagram pictures. "

I laughed a little bit.

"Okay Dad,  hey can you charge my cameras with your chargers?  Mine is messed up and I need to record today. "

"I will baby,  have fun at school today. "

I nodded and headed out the door.

I rode my bike to school,  I have a car but I like riding my bike.

When I got there Kylo was sitting at our booth in the cafeteria with his head down.

I sat across from him.
"Are you okay? "

"I'm just tired. " He chuckled.
"Ha!  Same."

Alex Sat next to me with his biscuit and juice.

"Hey fam." He said with a sad tone.

"What's wrong?"

"My mom killed herself,  she overdosed,  and I don't have any other family. "

"I wish we could adopt you. "I said hugging him.

" No, I'm getting adopted by my deadbeat dad's cousin's son. He lives in the area. "

"Cool what's his name? "

He showed me this picture

He showed me this picture

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"His name is Frank Gioia"...

Y'all when I put "His" It autocorrected to Hiatus
I'm triggered

Life With Phillip Andrew Graceffa-Preda-Way: A Continuation Of JanielWhere stories live. Discover now