Chapter 27

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Joey's POV

Phillip was late. He missed Claudia going to Daniel's family in Massachusetts today.

I sat on the couch and waited for him.

I heard moving from upstairs and went up there.

"Excuse me young man, I said to be back before dark. It's 8:00 pm, the street lights are on!"

"I know! I know! I lost track of time."

"Well you're still grounded. No going out unless it's to school and back!"

"Daddy! That's not fair. What about buying Claudia diapers?"

"We have some more down in the basement plus, remember? Claudia is in Massachusetts with your grandmother."

"Oh, okay."

"Now, goodnight son."

All I received was a door slammed in my face.

I walked back down the hallway and into the master bedroom and fell asleep on the bed.

Life With Phillip Andrew Graceffa-Preda-Way: A Continuation Of JanielWhere stories live. Discover now