Alex McCann

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" Sarah are you ok?! Oh my god let me see your back!" Jacob said

( a/n part of the gang an sarah knows all of the gang members names I didn't want to put it in the story it would take to long ok back to the story)

"Jacob I'm ok really"

"No your not if you could see your back right now" he put his hand on his chin that went up to his eyes and squelch it shut in frustration

"I'll be back"

Jacob went down stairs. Whoa what's up with him?

"Vicky is Jacob ok?" I said to her while she put peroxide on my back. OW.

"That stings!!"

"I know sweetie it's going to" Victoria put more on it.

"Don't wear a bra ok? it would hurt just to put one on..."

I nodded ugh my back stings, burns, and well IT JUST HURTS... Victoria wrapped my back with bandages...i can't get Jason's face expression out of my head he looked like he was sorry for what he did. Well he did apologize. But I could never forgive him. He hurt me way to much i just can't. He's a monster...maybe I can't change him... I herd loud banging down stares the door flue open

"Are you sarah ?" he sounded in a hurry

"Yes why?"

He walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders I whimpered. Cause of the whip. He said sorry in return

"My name is Alex...Jason's brother.."


"Wow you two look just alike"

Same face structure, same eyes, smile, hair, ok I'll say he's. Hot.

"Can I ask you a Alex?"

"Yeah sure" he scooted closer to me. Ok.

"Why is Jason" I couldn't get the word I wanted out of my mouth

"Mean, aggressive, stupid, ignorant, selfish-"

"Yes all of that" I giggled

"Well sarah he's bipolar...he's gone though a lot when we were younger...we lived in a brunch of different foster homes before a man came Ralph Harvey adopted me and Jason..."

He trailed off I..i scooted closer cause I'm actually very interested in Jason's past....

"Tell me more" I crossed my legs an put my chin in the center of the palm of my hand, he giggled and continued

"He made me and Jason began to follow his beliefs..." I frowned my eyebrows together

"What beliefs?"

"About the corrupt government..."

I have no Idea what that is, but I nodded and let him continue

"He was trying to convince me and Jason and the rest of his gang members to change the system around a little bit" Alex smirked at the thought

"What did you guys do?"

He looked at me. Damn his eyes.

"We ehh...we bombed the government..."

My eyes widened

"Wow" is all I could say

"Then one day we were driving back home from a gang related thing when we herd police sirens behind use...he was arrested and put in jail...just because he was driving without a license..."

He balled his fist up until his knuckles was white

"Whoa. Whoa Alex are you ok?" I put my hand on his thigh...

"Yeah I'm fine...but that made me and Jason pissed we hated the cops after that and now we still seek revenge..."

I don't know to say...this is ALOT to take in...hearing Jason's past and hearing what he's been though I feel bad for the kid he's been though hell and back that still doesn't mean I'm going to forgive jason for what he has done to me. That's unforgivable. But still when I see him sitting on the living room sofa, he just sits there with no emotion wants so ever he was in deep thought...(a/n sarah is 16 now ok?") even though I'm only 16 years old I can tell when someone is depressed/sad/lonely etc...he just needs somebody to love.


"Yeah sarah?"

"Where's Jason...i-I wanna talk to him"

He looked puzzled...i think he knew what Jason did to me the night of the show....and the punishment

"He's with...a-" he paused


"A girl"

"I'm sorry, I'm confused"

"Yeah so am I...listen sarah when Jason gets home he's either gonna be drunk or he brings the girl in..." why is he telling me this?

"Um ok? why are you telling me this?"

He sighed

"Cause sarah I'm just warning you I seen him do this before"

"With who?"

He pointed to Victoria standing in the corner on her phone


"Vicky come here babe" wait!!!!

"OK ,HOLD UP, REWIND" I make a circling motion with my finger I'm confused AF

"Ok Vicky first is shawn gay?"

She nodded her head 'yes' while she sat on Alex's lap

"Ok are you an Alex together?"

She nodded her head 'yes' again...ok I'm fine now

"Yeah sarah when Jason his drunk an coming home he's gonna try know...and if he comes home with the slut..." she rolled her eyes and went on

"Don't bother him or he's gonna make you do something that your not gonna like trust me... I know...and I learned my lesson-" I cut her off and stud up (a/n it's 10:30pm) even though my back stings a little still

"Ok I got it don't mess with him, try to keep distant while he's drunk, an just mmob (mind my own business)"

Victoria got up from Alex's lap and went up to me she put her hands on my shoulders lightly...

"Please me carful. Jason is a asshole." she giggled and then came shawn

"Yes babe girl please stay safe" he kissed my cheek, and here comes Alex

"What ever happened's call me...ok?and here is a guest room that you can sleep in its a secret guest room Jason don't know about he won't find you as long as you keep quite.." he gave me his number I smiled...but I felt like they were saying there last good bye to me before I die. lmao.

~*late at night (3:12am)*~

I was sleeping in a soft bed. Finally. Jason kept me in a cold ass basement for like 3 months, I was in the guest bedroom that Jason has no idea about and I wondered to myself this is his house he should know every inc. of it guess not...i woke up to a loud bang I sat up slowly bc of my back I didn't move

'As long as you keep quite he won't find you'

Alex's voice repeated in my head over and over again, I lad back down ignoring the fact that Jason might find me

"Sarah!!!" Jason sang dammit he's drunk

"Come out, come out where ever you are!!!" he sang again, ok this is creepy

"I'll find you...."

That was the last words you herd him say then I herd a thump on the ground above was either he passed out or he was just tricking me making me think he passed not taking any chances and stayed where I am...i sorry but I'm not a white girl ok? I'm not gonna go wonder around when a drunk crazy person is in the house and then he sees you, runs after you, then fall, and get killed/raped or wtf ever. so I went back to sleep shorty after that. Goodnight.

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now