What is happening to me?!

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*~Sarah's P.O.V~*

Shit shit shit shit!! What is going on with me lately?! What is happening to me?! I'm going crazy I literally made Jason's old friend max kill Jason but I don't know if he killed him yet, I don't want him to die though I just wanted him to feel the pain he gave me, oh and when max said 'she's already mine' no...hell no max is not even attractive and when I kissed him, he told me to do it and let me tell you his breath is. Discussing.

I heard a loud high pitched scream coming from Jason's room I ran upstairs to see what was happening

'Knock knock'


'Knock knock knock"

Still nothing, I'm getting annoyed by waiting I keep felling my blood boil, and see that's the problem I have really no reason to be pissed right now! what is going on with me!?

After about a minute or so I worked up a nerve to bust down the door and what I see is surprising jason is out of the shit I put him and max is in it wtf?!

"Jason how did you-"

He cut me off by kissing me softly. Whoa. He pulled back and smiled at me. I'm still in shock.

"Jason how did umm, this happen?"
He laughed

"Well sarah I have my ways "

He said putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close

"Jason look I need to talk to you"

He looked at me wondering what I was going to say


"Something is happening to me, I don't know what's going on"

I whisper/ yelling in his ear

"Let's go to the living room and talk, I don't want our 'guest' to hear our conversation"

he said quoting the word 'guest' I giggled an nodded my head we made are way down the stairs we both sat next to each other

"What did you want to talk about?"

I sighed "jason something is wrong with me"

He looked puzzled

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like I go crazy when someone makes me mad or I get annoyed...remember yesterday when I went crazy?"

He nodded his head

"That. Was. Not. Me. Jason, I promise it wasn't"

"Can you control it?"

He asked I shock my head 'no'

"Maybe sarah it's all the anger, sadness, depression-"

I cut him off out of anger oh here we go...

"What makes you think I'm depressed?!"

"Whoa whoa whoa sarah calm down"

"No! you don't tell someone to calm down while their mad, that's like shooting someone and wondering why their bleeding!"


I shook my head and stud up. Ugh migraine. I put my hands on my head and put pressure. That didn't help. It made it worse


I laid back on the sofa I put my head on Jason's lap. Hey what ya gonna do?.

"Sarah are you ok?!"

Jason asked out of worriedness, I rocked my body back and forth and move my feel from side to side. Shit this hurts.

"Jason do you have any pills for migraines?" I shut my eyes cause of the sun shining in the window into my face it's not helping me much

"No I'm sorry sarah. Let me take you to the hospital"

I nodded my head. This was the worst migraine I ever had.

Kidnapped by Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now