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**Ashley's POV**

I could already feel that today was going to be a bad day. I had awoken with a huge migraine and my inner self was whining literally.

'Surely it can't be because of some guy I just met?' I thought to myself and went to see my parents were making breakfast.

"Hey mom," I said and kissed her cheek.

"Morning Ashley," she frowned, "why do you seem so upset?"

"Headache, it's nothing," I brushed it off, "mom... How do you know when you've found your mate?"

Her and my father looked at me, "Ashley?"

"Well it's just, I met this guy last night at Ella's dinner and he was kinda off standish. And like today I feel all moody and stuff so part of it makes me think it's from him but we didn't even touch so,"

"It's not confirmed until you've had some kind of contact," my father replied.

"Can it be with a human," I began to ask as my parents looked at me again.

"Yes," my mom started, "but it's harder to detect at first."

I bit my lip, this was going to be harder than I thought to get him. But I had to find out if he was my mate or not! For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I'm a werewolf. Yes even my wolf was blind so it was a miracle that I'm able to see. The whole mate thing is a long story, but essentially it's like your "soul mate", other half, etc. Some part of me feels that Stefan might just be that guy. Call it a girl's tuition or a wolf thing, I had to find out.

"I'm going to go run," I told my parents before walking to my backyard which backed up into the woods. Oh before I forget, my parents are on the council for werewolves so I'm kinda a big thing I guess you could say.

I walked behind the big oak tree and stripped as I lunged midair and turned into my wolf. My fur was silvery white color depending upon how you looked at it. The cool thing was my eyes still stayed the same color as well, just maybe a bit darker.

I allowed my mind to roam free as my legs pushed me further from the house and deeper into the woods.

There was a clearing ahead and I slowed down to let myself breathe. A slight buzzing was in my ear as I shook my head to rid the flies. I laid down and smelled the ground, enjoying the dirt and nature smells that were filling my nose.

Surely there was a way for me to find out if Stefan was a human or not. He smelled like a human but you never knew until you saw them change.

My wolf stirred and I tried to keep my excitement under control. I just wanted to race through the woods and howl like nobody's business, but obviously I couldn't do that during the day. So I settled for pawing the dirt and sniffing everything that was surrounding me.

This whole attitude thing made me think I was connected to him or my mate was nearby since I was moody. It could be myself, I admit but usually I didn't get headaches this strong.

The more I ran, I could feel myself tiring and my wolf was urging me to continue. That's the thing about being a werewolf, the human part has common sense. Whereas the wolf part has "street smarts" and can trump your human part any day when the instinct takes over. So as tired as I seemed mentally, I knew it was only the beginning with my wolf if I chose to let it keep running both literally and mentally.

**sorry short chapter, trying to get this story started but having a difficult time kinda. Anyways, now you know what she is if you couldn't tell from the cover. Comments are greatly appreciated here. :-) **

In Her EyesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora