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**Three months later Stefan's POV**

"You may kiss the bride," the preacher spoke.

Blake swooped Ella into his arms as they kissed deeply on the stairs and everyone erupted into cheers and clapping. I glanced over at Ashley who was holding both bouquets of flowers and had tears in her eyes.

After the bride and groom walked back down the aisle, everyone dispersed onto the dance floor or towards the procession of food. I grabbed Ashley's waist and kissed her hair gently.

She turned to look at me, "you look really handsome in your Tux."

"And you're the most beautiful woman here," I whispered and pulled her closer to me.

"I would have to say Ella tops me on that," she smiled sympathetically.

"True, but she's married," I kissed her again.

Blake and Ella came over and hugged the two of us tightly.

"You look amazing," Ashley told her.

Ella blushed as Blake pulled her closer to him, "that she does."

"So when do we get to stop by and babysit?" I teased them.

Ella giggled as Blake's face turned pink, "I'll let you know in a year or two."

Chuckling, they walked away towards some of the other bridesmaids and continued to be congratulated.

An Enrique Iglesias song sounded over the speakers and I saw that Ashley gazed over at the dance floor.

"Care to dance?" I asked her.

"Yes," she breathed as we made our way over.

She wrapped her arms around me gently as my ribs were pretty much healed but there was slight bruising here and there. I rested my hands on her shoulders while we just swayed back and forth to the beat.

"So one day this'll be us, huh?" I glanced around at all the couples dancing or watching the newlywed couple.

"Quite possibly," she whispered.

I could feel her happiness spreading through her body like a wildfire, her smile was contagious too.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She giggled as I pulled her as close to me as possible.

"Because I'm madly in love with you and I'm honored to be your mate."

She brought her lips to mine as I was momentarily caught off guard. Not that I minded or anything, just hadn't been expecting that.

"Thank you," she kissed me again.

"Anytime Ashley, do you mind if we pick up some flowers later tonight?"

"Sure, what for?"

I didn't say anything at first because I didn't want to upset her and she understood as she smiled sympathetically. "Sure Stefan, what kind of flowers did she like?"

"Lilacs," I smiled at an old memory as Ashley wrapped her arms around me.

"You don't mind?" I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable or anything with doing this.

"Not at all Stefan, she's a part of your life and I want to experience everything about you. The good and the bad."

I stood amazed at this woman who was standing before me. Her gentleness and sincerity was hitting me to the core as I tried to keep my emotions under control. How could I be so lucky?

"And maybe while we're out," she trailed, "you could get me a bouquet?"

"Of course, what are your favorite?" I asked feeling a bit ashamed that I should know her favorite type of flowers.

"Snapdragons, any color really," she blushed.

"I'll make sure to pick up a huge bouquet for you then," I took her hand in mine.

 We continued to sway to the music as it consumed us. It was as if we were the only two on the dance-floor and no one else was around.

Ashley seemed to be reading my mind as she smiled and continued to only look at me. This is how it was supposed to be, I thought. Where you're so madly in love with someone to where the rest of the world seems to disappear and the only thing you're staring at is in her eyes.

**I love when I end the story with the title! ;-) haha I hope you enjoyed my rendition of this werewolf story! There won't be a sequel to this one, but maybe I'll do another werewolf story somewhere down the line. Thanks to everyone who read this and gave me suggestions! You rock**

In Her EyesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt