Chapter 1

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A shrill scream echoed through my ears. I looked around in the black void that seemed endless. The screaming filled the entire void and something compelled me to run. I felt my legs moving under me, almost off the slick floor. I felt the void grow colder and colder. It felt as though small icy water droplets were licking at my ankles. I looked down briefly and saw my distorted reflection as my feet hit the floor which happened to be coated in water.

As I ran I looked around the empty black space. My eyes landed on a figure. My feet came to a halt as I stared. There they were, the person screaming. They had a buzz cut and pale skin. They were small and thin. They looked as though they were only bone as they shook, screaming. It looked as though they were terrified. They backed up quickly once my presence was known. They didn't stop screaming, and it was louder than ever now. I could see the fear in their chocolate brown eyes. Then my chest felt like it was being crushed along with my ribs and gut as I flew back and fell. My head hit the floor hard and my eyes shot open. Everything turned a bright white and I squinted.

I had fallen out of my seat, the bell ringing. I looked around at the classroom, still dazed. The classroom was the same. White and pale blue tiled floor, off white walls with blue accents, and desks everywhere. I looked next to me, my friends, Dustin, Lucas, and Will were standing over me. They helped me up, asking if I was okay and such which I replied with simple answers of, "yes." We all laughed it off and headed to the next class. Although, something didn't seem right. I had a gut feeling that things were going to get strange.


It seemed like minutes before school was out. Thank god too, I was getting anxious. Lucas, Will, Dustin, and I were walking to my place for a game of Dungeons and Dragons, one of our favourite games. It was a bit breezy out, which no one complained about. The fall was fun because Halloween would be coming. We rode our bikes over the multicoloured leaves which covered the side walk and yards. We shortly arrived at my house, parking our bikes and heading to the basement. Once in the basement, which was the party's favourite hang out spot, we sat on the couch for a bit. After a few minutes of chatting we decided to set up D&D. 

The board was set up and everyone of us were engrossed in the game. A big turn of events was about to happen, then my mom called us up for dinner. We all bolted up the stairs. Of course, Dustin got to the table first. We all sat down and started serving ourselves to the chicken parm my mom had cooked for everyone. No one was talking which ment it was good. Once everyone had finished we went down to the basement again. We only had a few more minutes so we decided to just chat for the three more minutes we had. Dustin, Will and Lucas packed up and hoped on their bikes as I waved my friends off.

"See ya tomorrow guys!" I called out to them, waving. We all smiled and said our goodbyes. I watched them bike off until they were out of site. Then I went inside and upstairs to my room, flopping down on my bed and passing out. I didn't have anymore dreams, well none that I could remember, so that was a plus I guess.

The next morning I flew out of bed, startled by my alarm going off. I sat up and bolted to the bathroom. Nancy had already beaten me to it though. I groaned and waited impatiently for my sister. She always took forever in there. "Hurry up! We don't have all day you know!" I called to her, annoyance spewing from my mouth as I sighed in exasperation. "Give me a minute! Jeez!" I heard my sister retort with annoyance as well. I could just imagine the eye roll she was giving me. A few minutes went by before she walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. I ran in and got dressed and ready for school. I got out and ran downstairs, eating my eggos quickly before pulling on my shoes and jacket. I ran outside and hopped on my bike, pedaling to school. I arrived just in time, three minutes to spare. I parked my bike on the metal bike rack. I ran into the large building, running down the hall to get to my locker. I opened it and got my books. Then is made my way to first period, sitting at my desk. I set my bag down next to me and put my books in front of me.

The whole day I spaced off, occasionally drifting back into reality. It was a normal Thursday, long and boring. I was just wanting the week to end so I could invite the party over to play D&D all weekend. Good thing we could keep playing tonight. Our parents agreed to have them come over again. 

Finally the dreadfully long day ended and we all started to walk our bikes home, in no hurry. "I'm excited, too bad the surprise had to wait till today." Will said, his voice pitched slightly higher than all of ours. We all nodded. "I know right! I'm a bit scared, Mike always gives us the impossible!" Dusting exclaimed, waving one of his hands like an Italian would. "I bet you he's gonna sick the demigorgon on us." Lucas groaned, making a few hand gestures of exasperation. I just chuckled evilly. "Oh you have no idea, it's much better. Let's go!" I smirked as I hopped on my bike and started to pedal home. The others followed me and we arrived, parking our bikes. All four of us rushed into the basement and got straight into the game.

"And then... Out of the black mist... Appeared a mage!" I cried dramatically, acting it out a bit. Dustin, Lucas, and Will huddled, thinking about what to do. They all nodded in agreement and looked back at me. "Boys! Dinner time!" I groaned as my mother called us up. We made our way up the stairs to the dinner table. We weren't mad about the food set in front of us though. 

Soon after it was time to go. I waved the boys off as usual and went back downstairs to the basement. I frowned, disappointed we couldn't finish our game. I sighed, taking one last look before heading to my room and getting in bed. 

I woke up and got to the bathroom before Nancy, making sure to take my time just to annoy her. When I came out, I was greeted by a disheveled, annoyed, older sister. I smiled and made my way down stairs to the kitchen. I ate and pulled on my shoes and jacket before heading out again. I got on my bike and started for the school. All was normal, and it was a Friday. Then I heard something, like panting. I stopped my bike, it was a humans panting, I heard it coming from the woods. Confused, and a little curious I parked my bike and headed in the woods, I had plenty of time to spare anyways. Making my way through the trees, I noticed the panting seemed almost mixed with sobs. I cautiously looked around and peered out behind a tree. 

I saw a kid, knees to their chin and they were all curled up. I felt I had seen them before... Then it struck me, I had. This had to be the kid I dreamt of. They had the same hair, same oversized tee which looked more or less like a hospital gown. I noticed they were shivering and I realized they had to be cold.

Slowly and cautiously I stepped out in front of them, about five feet away. They startled and looked up at me, bewildered. I could see tear and blood stains on their face. I was getting a bit scared too now. I approached the thin figure slowly only to have them scuttle back against a tree, like my dream. I just hoped they didn't scream, that would be horrible.

"H-hey, I won't hurt you." I said, my voice quavering slightly. They definitely did not calm down, or lower their defense, which I could understand why. I stepped a bit closer and saw they watched my every move. "I'm Mike." I stated as I took another cautious step towards them. All of a sudden I heard a snap. I turned around, startled, but saw nothing. When I looked back, the kid was gone. I sighed and shook my head. I was probably going crazy.

I ran back to my bike and got to school as fast as I could. The day went normally, but I couldn't seem to get that kid off my mind. Thankfully I had Dustin, Will, and Lucas to keep my mind off of it. We all went to my place and played dungeons and dragons the rest of the night and the next day. 


Authors note!

So this is my first fan fiction ever and I'm super nervous. I binged the entire series in one day because as you should know... I'm the binge king and I own binging. Not really, but I take it to a whole new level. This is not my first story ever though. But uh... I have no idea how well I'm doing so far and I'm so sorry if it's horrible! So uh... That's all for now! Bye, have a wonderful day/night/whatever the hell the time is for you!

Guaffel out ✌

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