Chapter 4

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I devoured the food in front of me. I was too hungry to think or care about anything other than food. I forget the last time I ate, probably a few days. I finished the food and wiped my mouth. That made it on my top three list for favourite food, coming in first. They were amazing, soft, and kinda crunchy. They tasted the best when I was about to swallow. I was still a bit hungry, but not starving anymore. I could feel a smile trying to escape my lips. I tried to keep as straight a face as possible. It was hard cause I wanted to smile and be happy, but the memories just kept flooding in.


I fought against the arms trying to hold me. I didn't want them to stick needles in me. They were trying to give me this disgusting shit. I struggled to get free from the doctors grip. 

"Hold her still!" I heard one yell to the other. "It's a bit hard when she doesn't want any part of this!" The other retorted. Then I felt them stab the crook of my elbow. I went to scream, but I felt dizzy. I kept fighting until I couldn't. I just fell limp, and my now I struggled to keep my eyes open, but they didn't stay open. 

When they opened again I was blinded by a bright light. I shook my head and blinked. I tried to move my arms, but I couldn't feel them. I looked around and saw tubes. I followed the tubes to see they were attached to my wrists and forearms. I shrieked, horrified. The tubes were lodged inside my skin and feeding me stuff. My vision started to blur.


I shook my head and snapped out of it. I felt the sweat drip down my neck. I looked next to me to see Mike was gone, so was the plate. Then I heard footsteps and looked to the stairs. I saw Mike run down and over to me, holding a bundle. I tilted my head ever so slightly at this. He handed the bundle of clothes to me and I took them.

"Here, go get washed up, you can't be comfortable." He said. I blinked at him, confused. Washed up? Comfortable? I looked at the clothes, they were nice. I assumed they were his. He sighed and I looked up to him, waving his hand for me to follow. "Come on, I'll show you the bathroom." He said as he led me to a room. It had off white walls and cold white tile floor. There was a sink, toilet, and tub. Normal bathroom I assumed. I watched as he walked over to the tub, turning on the water. I stood there on the tile with my bare feet. I didn't really know what to do, when he stopped the water and stood up. "T-there..." Mike mumbled a bit as he walked out, closing the door. I caught the door before it shut, causing him to turn, startled. "W-what? You want the door open?" I nodded in response to his question. He looked to the side the back at me, his face had changed emotions. "Oh.. O-okay, well how about we leave it... Like this?" Mike offered as he closed the door, leaving two hands space open. I nodded in agreement and watched the boy walk off as I turned back around to face the bath. I undressed and took a deep breath before stepping in the water and sitting down. It was warm, more on the hot side. I watched as the water got tinted a brown as the dirt washed off me. 


Once I got out of the bath, I looked at the dirty water and grabbed a towel, drying off. I took the clothes and stared at them. Mike had given me grey sweats and a blue jumper, and underwear. I shrugged, pulling on the clothes. They were a bit big and baggy, but they were warm and comfortable. I sighed, tugging on my sleeves before shaking my head and opening the door, peeking my head out. I saw Mike on the couch. He had this box like thing up to his ear. I stepped out and he looked over at me. 

"Got to go, over and out." He said into the box thing before putting it down and standing up. He walked over to me. "Better?" The pepper haired boy asked me. I nodded and stood there. Mike stood in front of me, sorta looking down at me as I looked up at him. I moved past him and sat on the couch, curling up. He looked back at me before going into the bathroom. I waited until he came out a few minutes later. I saw him take my other clothes and put them in a basket. Mike then walked over to me and sat down. "You can sleep there for the night, okay?" Pointing, he directed my eyes to a bunch of blankets, pillows, and chairs. It looked like a weird cave. I nodded, a little unsure about it.

I let out a small sigh. I was tired from everything. Even though I had a nap it wasn't a very comfortable one. I hadn't been comfortable for a while. The new clothes I was wearing were comfortable at least. I sat up, normally. There was an awkward silence between us. Silence sometimes scared me, but loud noises were the worst. I got up and went over to the the weird blanket cave. I crouched down and crawled inside. It had a bunch of blankets on the ground so it was soft instead of hard. There was plenty of space to roll around. I liked it.

I rolled over and saw Mike walking towards the stairs. I watched him as he stopped and came over. I was curled up in the cave. Mike took a blanket and plopped it over me. He smiled a bit, fixing the blanket so it covered me. I just kinda stared, confused a bit. Papa did that sometimes, so why was Mike? I shook it out of my head, Mike was nice, Papa was not.

"There. Good- wait, I never got your name." The boy said. I looked at him, eyebrows starting to furrow. I didn't know if I should show him. Or tell him. Though I didn't really want to make him wonder. I wanted to seem normal, but it was a little hard with a tattoo as your identity. I decided I should trust him. He was a kid as well, surely he wouldn't tell anyone? I rolled up my sleeve to show the back of my left arm. I turned it over, revealing the '011' inked on my arm. 

"Whoah." Mike reached out to touch it, instinctively I yanked my arm back, glaring at him. I kept the look as a warning. "Sorry, I've never seen a kid with a tattoo before. What's it mean?" In answer to his question I pointed to myself. "That's your name?" He looked confused, his eyebrows furrowed. I gave a single nod. "Hm... Eleven. We can call you El for short. Okay?" I nodded again. "Okay." I agreed before turning over and closing my eyes. I heard the footsteps walk away and stop. "Goodnight, El." I heard Mike say before the footsteps continued and eventually disappeared. 


Authors note!

Ah, guys I'm so sorry this is so short and late! I've been drowning in stress right now. I'll try to make it up to you guys somehow, thanks for reading! Bye! 

Guaffel out ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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