Chapter 3

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The day was fairly normal. All had went well. The mouthbreathers weren't here today, so the gang and I were safe. For now, that is. I walked to the A.V. room with Will, Dustin, and Lucas. I wasn't really paying much attention to what they were saying. I just laughed along. When we got there we all rushed to the table. We started to discuss new walkie talkies, ones with better signal. Through the entire meeting the kid in the woods and in my dream was pacing in the back of my mind. I never really got a good look at them. Well, close enough to see they looked unhealthy at least. We had a good time in the A.V. room, but decided to go see what we could find in the library. Dustin had suggested it, and majority rules. So we all headed down the hall to the large book filled room. It was a very cozy room, it had a red-tan carpet with some grey. Book shelves everywhere, and a nice beige paint on the walls. There were large windows as well that let in plenty of natural sunlight. 

As we decided to split up and walk around, I wanted to see if the little cubby of books was still there. We had found this small corner, completely covered in books. It was nice, like a hidey-hole, or a place you could curl up in and read a fantasy book. We loved the spot, and left it the way it was in case anyone wanted to use it, which someone probably did. 

As I wandered the bookshelf maze I came across the cubby. I knelt down and peered inside. Startled by what I saw I blinked and scooted back. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. I was seeing the same kid. I looked in again, they were sleeping. And it seemed that they were having a bad dream. The kid looked like a boy, then I looked again and realised they were a girl. I wondered what girl had a shaved head, that was odd.

My eyebrows furrowed and I frowned, chewing on my bottom lip. I didn't know what to do. The girl was obviously real, not a dream, not a hallucination, real. Although I couldn't really tell for sure, I didn't want to poke her and have her wake up. I was starting to panic. I took a deep breath and gingerly poked her arm, nervous. The girl was covered in blood and dirt, it looked as though she had been attacked or something.

I noticed her stir, then sit up abruptly and scoot as far away from me as possible. Fear was plain in her cold, chocolate eyes. Her face was emotionless for the most part as she looked around. She must've felt trapped, poor kid.

"H-hey, I won't hurt you." I put my arms up in surrender as she turned to face me. She seemed very overwhelmed. She eyed me down, sending chills through my nerves and spine. Something was wrong, seriously wrong. "Do you need help?" I asked, making sure my voice was clear. I spoke kinda slowly to make sure she got the message. She did nothing except frantically look for a way out. I didn't know what to do, call the police? Calling the police could mean trouble for her though. And it would require me to leave her alone and I didn't trust that. She could bolt on me and definitely get far, like she did in the woods. I stared at her, confused. "What happened to you?" I bit my lip, regretting what I had said. I was probably scaring her.

I took a deep breath. Then my walkie talkie started to turn staticy as someone tried talking. "Hey guys, is Mike still at the library? Over." I blinked, they left without me. Although that was pretty common with our group, sometimes we would lose a member. They'd always show up though. I pressed the button and looked at the girl, making sure she didn't run. "Yeah, still here, it's okay guys, you can head home, I'm still looking for books. Over and out." I said before turning off the walkie talkie. The girl in front of me seemed much more than scared now. I held out my hand to help her up. She tried to move back more. I must've startled her with the sudden movement. "I won't hurt you, remember?" I smiled a bit, hoping to make myself look friendly. She shook her head violently. Apparently she really didn't believe me. I really did wonder what the hell made her like this, she couldn't have been born this way.

I sighed and lowers my hand, sitting down in front of the cubby. She curled up, making herself smaller. The poor kid, scared out of her mind. I sighed, feeling helpless. I didn't know what to do, or how to help. "Can you talk?" I guess that would help to know. She blinked and bored daggers into my soul.

"Yes." He voice was quiet and almost threatening. It was smooth like caramel. My heart stopped for a brief moment. I was glad she could understand me at least. I let out a tiny sigh. Not of relief, I was anything but relieved right now, I was stressing. I twiddled my thumbs nervously.

"Okay, what's your name?" I asked, trying to stay calm and not let on I was freaking out. I had this gut feeling that this girl was almost animalistic and that she could sense when things are wrong. She looked at me and squinted. "Never mind, um... Are you okay?" I asked, hoping to get her in my good side. 

"... Okay...?" I looked at her, confused. Did she not know what okay meant? I bit my bottom lip and though for a minute. I hummed before thinking of a way to define it.

"Like are you hurt, physically and or mentally?" I pointed to my head when I said mentally. I hoped she understood that at least. She opened her mouth then closed it again. I waited for a few minutes for her to say something. She didn't, she shut me out more. I sighed, frustrated. This was almost impossible. "Look," I said, looking at her witty pleading eyes. "I can't help you if you don't say what's wrong." I looked at her, searching her face for something, anything, but I got nothing. She was expressionless. "Come on, let's go get some food, you have to be starving." I realised she was skinner. She had gotten skinner through the times I saw her. I stood up, offering a hand. Instead of her taking it she crawled out and stood up. She was shorter than me, that was the first thing I noticed.

She looked at me, lost. She didn't know what to do, or where to go. I was in the lead. I took the girls wrist gently to lead her, but she yanked it away, holding it to her chest like I had hurt it. "S-sorry-" I said, a little nervous. I started walking, checking to see if she was following me.


Once we finally got to my house it was getting dark. I had gotten a dictionary to help define words if I needed to. I led her through the back, into the basement. I pointed to the couch. "Go over there and sit down, okay? I'm gonna go get food, be quiet okay?" I looked to her as she swiftly sat down on the couch, bringing her knees to her chest and watching me. I closed the door and locked it behind me, running upstairs. I put as many eggos in the toaster as possible, which was four. I waited for them to be done and took them out, putting them on a plate. I buttered them and rushed downstairs to the basement.

I saw the girl, look up at me, scarred and crying. Instinctively I ran over and set the food on the table. I sat next to her, facing her. I was scared to hug her, not because she was a girl, but because I didn't want to scare her more. "Are you okay?" I asked in a hushed whisper. I tentatively put my hand over her shoulder, just barely touching it. She looked at me, eyes red and puffy. I grabbed the food, taking that as a no. I handed it to her and watched her devour it all within minutes. She really was hungry. "Want me to make more?" I asked, and she nodded, handing the plate back. I ran up and made four more, bringing them back. She was still crying, but took the food and dug in like a ravenous tiger. 


Authors note!

Hey guys! It might be a while before I post the next chapter. I have auditions, practice, projects, and festivals that are in my life right now, not to mention school. But if it makes you feel any better I'm hoping to get a few more chapters done tonight so you guys can have more to read. 

That's all, hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day/night and keep on living!

Guaffel out ✌

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