Chapter 2

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I ran. My feet pounded on the forest floor. Sticks snapped and leaves crunched, echoing the silence. I could feel new tears starting to form in my eyes. I didn't want that, that would only make my vision blurry and I wouldn't be able to run straight. It was so cold, the wind cut at me like shards of glass. I collapsed onto the ground and curled up. I knew I couldn't sleep, I would die. I would freeze to death. I had to get up and move.  I staggered to my feet once again and started walking. My legs were too tired to run, but I forced myself to pick up the pace.

I eventually ran into a small building. I looked at it, it was all dark. Shelter was the first and only thing I thought as I made my way up to it. I peered through a small glass pane and saw the inside. No one was in there. I crouched low and made my way to a door. I pushed on it lightly and it opened. No way was anyone there. I crept inside, looking around. I found things scattered all over. Then I saw some fabrics, clothes. I cautiously approached them, taking them quickly and slipping on the garments. I looked down at myself, my legs were covered, as well as my arms. It was still cold.

I was about to lay down and get some rest, but something inside of me told me not to. I heard a creak and dropped to the floor, looking around. Then I made my way to the door quietly and ran. I ran out and back to the safety of the woods. My legs were carrying me as fast as they could. Fear consumed my entire entity as I ran. Hot tears flung from my eyes, blurring my vision. I found a few blurry shrubs and slid under them, curling up. I lay there, shivering, hoping no one saw me. 

I waited so long. Long enough to drift off into sleep. I was back again, in the void. The in between. The in between is completely black and it goes on forever. I stand there in the shallow water. Then I saw him, the same boy. He had dark hair and pale skin with freckles all over his cheeks and nose. I've seen him here once before, he saw me. I know he saw me because when he saw me in the right side up, it looked as though he remembered me. Now I was watching him, he was moving around, waving his arms. I backed up and everything went back to normal, all black.

I woke up with a jump, I heard a twig snap. I stayed in what little shelter I had for another long time. After that time I got up and peered through the leaves, checking to see if anyone was there. I was less cold now, but still shivered in the wind. I stood up and looked around. Everything was hitting me at once. I was lost, cold, hungry, thirsty, dying. I didn't know what to do or where to go. The bad men would find me. I fell to the ground and hugged myself, quietly sobbing. 


I had decided to keep moving so it would be harder for the bad men and Papa to find me. I wandered, careful of where I went. The sky got dark sometimes, and I would hide. The dark was scary, I couldn't see. It was light out now as I walked. 

I came across a large building, though it wasn't anything like home. It seemed more welcoming in a way, and it wasn't all white like home. I remembered all of the white walls, floors, ceilings, beds, clothes, everything. Papa always made sure everything was white, he didn't like it when there was any other colour. Although, he let me draw some days, and even got me a stuffed tiger. When I was allowed to draw I drew Papa with me, he seemed proud of it, that made me happy. I started to miss Papa, but shook my head. I looked back at the building. My curiosity took over as I crept up to the building and pushed open the door. It wasn't abandoned though, not at all. People, kids, flooded every part of the place. It was warmer in here at least, but scarier. I was shoved around and dragged along with the crowd. I stumbled through and tried finding my way out, but this was like a maze. I came across two large doors and rammed into them, falling into the room. This room was also like a maze, walls everywhere. The walls had grooves in them, no, they weren't grooves, they were objects. I felt the objects, they were leathery and smooth. Some were thin, others not so much. I wondered what they were before realising I needed to hide. I felt my face contort into a more or less confused look as I crawled on the floor, behind a wall. I made my way through the maze. I ended up finding a place that was practically all wall and I crawled in, bringing my knees to my face. I curled up and stayed there, hoping no one else came through.

I stayed there and didn't move. I didn't want to move for fear I would be heard. I curled up on the floor, making myself as comfortable as possible before closing my eyes. It was quiet there and slightly darker than the rest of the maze. I soon drifted off into a light sleep. On occasion I would hold my breath if I heard footsteps. Hopefully the bad men weren't here too. It seemed they were everywhere. Silently I stayed there, minding my own thoughts and hoping no one saw me. I'd be taken back in a heart beat if I was found.


Authors note! 

Hey guys, sorry these chapters are so short. So if you haven't guessed that this is in Elevens point of view, you must have been very confused. But, I think I forgot to mention that I'll switch perspectives every other chapter, so it will be Mikes perspective next chapter. That's all for now, bye!

Guaffel out ✌

Not Just a Dream (Mileven au sorta)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant