Martial Law

14 1 0

Date:June 12, 1997


Location:Bunker 27#

   Things here are a real fucking mess! People have been going missing or found dead in their rooms!'s only a matter of time until they start rounding people up! The families of the scientists ,nurses and such have been caged up and been treated like animals!Martial Law has taken place in this little hell hole...The _._ has sent Military gaurds to ensure us we're safe but I think It's to stop from anyone escaping and talking about the subject!..I think I hear them I'll record more of my report tomorrow bye!

-Gunshots and screaming in the background , loud stabbing and crunching of bones heard outside door

The " Slendy " Experimentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें