He Found Me...

4 1 0

Date: October 17, 2001

Time:5:00 a.m


it's been two years and as much as I want to say everything is fine... It's not. There's recently reports of that..thing! People are dismissing as a hoax but I know that fucking monster is here to finish the job..

That is why this will be the last message I ever record again...*sniffles* why her?...*sniffles and cries uncontrollably* I won't let you take me! *cocks gun* Remember whoever Is listening... Damn things aren't suppose to be made, we shouldn't be playing..*sniffles* god...i-i'm so s-ssorry *gunshot goes off*
-static radio goes off-

~Sorry for the lame ending but I lost my motivation for this story I'll be starting a story I've had my heart in a while so stayed tuned cx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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