Phantom of the Opera

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This chapter is inspired by The Phantom of the Opera Love Never Dies. I do not intend any plagiarism but I will be using several phrases from the play.

After the fire at the Opera house in France
Madame Giry and her daughter Meg sought the Phantom out. They wanted to rescue him from the crowd that was out for his blood. Eventually, they were able to smuggle him out of harms way and booked a freighter out of France. They made their way to Coney Island and Madam Giry and Meg helped him build a wonderful side show called Phantasma. With Meg as the star. She became know as the famous oooh La la girl.

Eric POV

I sighed. I missed hearing Christine sing. Why did she have to choose Raoul over me? It had been over ten years since I had seen her last and my music has suffered. I hated living under this facade. I longed to hear Christine sing again, to have my muse back. That's when I learned that my so called "competition" Mr. Hammerstine had hired my dear Christine to perform at the opening of his new opera house. Perhaps this was the chance that I had been waiting for.

At long last, my Christine would return to me. There was just the small issue of her contract. Through various resources I had learned that Christine's precious Vicomte had gambled away his fortune, obtained huge debts and had become an alcoholic. Pitiful.

Perhaps there was a way get Christine to sing for me after all. If the rumors were true, it wouldn't take much for Raoul to be persuaded to agree to a contract with me, of course I'd have to use his pseudonym Mr. Y. It wouldn't do for them to know that Christine's angel of music was alive and well. I chuckled as I began preparations as well as returning to my new masterpiece which I was creating. A beautiful Aria for my equally beautiful Christine.

Madam Giry POV

I sighed, as I read an article that I knew would cause both my daughter and I grief. Christine Daee or rather Christine Vicomte De Cheney was coming to America to perform for the opening of Mr. Hammerstine's new Opera house. Why now? Why when things were going so well did Christine have to return now? Christine had betrayed Eric and she shattered his heart.

"Christine is coming here?" Meg said in both concern and excitement.


"Things can go back to the way they were before. We were so close back then." Meg said happily.

"Believe me Meg, you do not want Christine returning. She shattered his heart into a million pieces when she chose Raoul. If she is allowed near him, she could destroy all that we've worked so hard to accomplish. We've been there for him for years."

"It was us, not her who helped him escape that blood thirsty mob. It was us, not her, who helped him achieve his new goals. Even though Christine had betrayed him and fled from his sight he still loves her. When she chose Raoul she had taken a piece heart with her."

"That's all in the past. We can be like we were years ago. Closest friends. I will show her all the sights of Coney Island and we will sing side by side once again. What's wrong with that?"
Meg said excitedly.

"We can only hope that she stays far away from us. From him and his work and his dreams. We've come to far to let her ruin all that we've worked for." I replied worriedly.

Catrina (Christine's daughter) POV

Meanwhile, aboard a ship bound for America my brother Gustavo rushed and I rushed about the deck excitedly. "I can't believe it we will get to see Coney Island in just a few days. The rides, the food, the shows, it's going to be so exciting. Maybe We will even be able to learn how to swim while we are there."

Raised by monsters & murderers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora