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It was approaching the leprechaun's birthday once again

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It was approaching the leprechaun's birthday once again. His bride had been stolen from him hundreds of years ago and he still had a longing for revenge. One day he came across a young man and his wife and they had stolen his gold.

Instead of killing them, he decided to curse them. "Truth be told, all that glitters is not always gold. I shall return in 16 years time and your greatest treasure, I shall claim as mine." The leprechaun said with a laugh.

"What did he mean our greatest treasure?" The young bride asked and the young man shrugged his shoulders. A few weeks later the wife found out that she was pregnant with twins. She gave birth to a boy and a girl. They knew that the leprechaun would want the girl once the 16 years were up.

Yet, perhaps, if they didn't treat her like she was a treasure, then he wouldn't want her. 16 years later the man and wife sat with their daughter, their son and his infant daughter. The mother had died in childbirth and their son couldn't bear the thought of his child being raised by strangers. So he chose to officially adopt her.

For the past few nights, their nights had been filled with nightmares of long ago. "All that glitters is not always gold. I shall return in 16 years time and your greatest treasure I'll claim as mine." The wife awoke in a sweat as she turned to her sleeping husband. True, she was his greatest treasure, but he was no longer hers. Her greatest treasure was her granddaughter.
"Please let him take me." She whispered into the darkness.

The leprechaun frowned. He had a bit of a problem. The husband who had stolen his gold had four great treasures. His wife, his son, his daughter and his granddaughter. The curse had said he'd take his greatest treasure. He was not in need of a servant, so he had no need for the son.

He could take the wife, but then their would be no pain, because he's still have his son and granddaughter. Yet, what would he do with an infant?"

He could take the daughter away to be his bride but taking her wouldnt fulfilled the curse either. They'd still have the son and granddaughter to treasure. "Don't worry I've no interest in taking your daughter to be my bride."

"Please take anything you want but please leave my family alone." The man begged.

"You need not fear. For your wife, son and daughter I am not here. I've no need for a slave or a bride. A child is what I want to forever stay by my side." The leprechaun said with an evil smile.

"No! You stay away from my baby or I'll kill you, I promise you!" My father replied trying to shield me from the leprechaun.

"Silly boy you can not harm me. This really is a shame but you've only got yourselves to blame." The Leprechaun replied with a laugh snapping his fingers causing me to appear in his arms and seconds later we disappeared without a trace.

"Why?" The son demanded angrily. "Why did he take her? Answer me!"

"It's complicated." My Grandfather replied with a sigh.

"That monster took my daughter I deserve to know why!"

"This is our punishment." My Grandmother replied with a sigh.

"Punishment for what? I don't understand. What did you do that was so wrong that he'd take my daughter from me?" The young man demanded angrily.

"Years ago we found the leprechaun's gold. We took it. He found us however, instead of killing us he cursed us. Swearing that in 16 years time he'd return to steal what we held dear."

"So Why did he take my daughter? Why not take my sister or I?"

"Because, as much as we hold you dear, having a grandchild to carry on our legacy meant the world to us." My Grandfather replied.

"I won't let him get away with this! I'll find him and I'll kill him myself!"

Meanwhile, back in the Leprechaun's lair he placed me gently in the crib. "Sweet little one don't you cry daddy's going to sing you a leprechaun lullaby." He sang as he did my eyes slowly began to close. Soon I was fast asleep.

"Come to kill me I see." I said with a smile as the saw the girl's father at the entrance to my cave.

"What's mine be yours what's yours be mine." The father replies.

"Ah but what have you to offer me? Your child my daughter she now will be."

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