I screwed it up

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   Guess what everyone? Guess what I just did? I SCREWED ANOTHER THING UP! CONGRATULATIONS! I always screw things up. I make people feel like absolute trash. All because I can't control myself. I can't control them. I can't control it. Look at me, a little attention seeking brat! And I know it. I want attention. That's it. I know that I know how this works. Post a vent, get attention, people tell you things to try to make you feel better, and then you're done. I plan everything I do. For attention. Aren't I great? I screw up my friend's lives. Their feelings and emotions. Everything. That's why I should be left to rot in my own insanity. With myself. There's enough of me to go around. I'd be fine. I wouldn't screw up anything. If I died, they'd be sad, then forget. That's how it works. Someone dies, everyone is sad, then they are forgotten. If I was gone, their lives would be better. I only trust myself. I can't hurt my own feelings. It's impossible. They can't hurt me. Only I can hurt them. Screw it up. I'm done. Done. I'm not going to be active for a while. And if I am active, it's going to be for personal reasons only. I know myself, though. I know them. I know how they are. We hate eachother. We screw things up on eachother. Watch someone think that I'm talking about them through all of this. Watch me screw up another person's mind. I'll be active tommorow. We'll forget all of this. We always do. We act strait through our lives. We don't have one personality. We have many. Many that we can't handle. No. Welp, you screwed it up! I don't know which one of you did it, but you screwed it up! Great job, Hitoru! :)

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