23.At least we found them

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Mitch's p.o.v.

I stand in front of the house, wondering what in the bloody hell's going to happen. I mean, anything could, right?

I hear deep nervous breathing behind me from Adam and I turn around to see him staring at the door with extremely big eyes. I turn back around and extend my arm out to knock on the door, wait, should I ?Is that a bad idea ?I slowly move my hand to the knob and turn it, checking if its locked, and surprisingly ,it isn't.

I slowly push the door open, gently, trying not to make any noise for anyone to hear inside, of there's someone inside.

I pop my head into the house, silently moving my head in directions ,seeing if there's anything weird. Then, I see many, and I mean many, empty bottles of rum, tequila, and other strong kinds of alcohol laying all over the floor, near a chair in the middle of the living room.I walk in to take a closer look, wondering who drank all of these. Adams dad doesn't usually drink, and if he does, it's never this much. Never. Then I step on a piece of paper and bend down to pick it up.

It's divorce documents, not signed.

I turn to hand it to Adam to see, but he's staring at the staircase, with a scared look on his face. His eyes are almost literally bulging out of his head, and his bottom lip is quivering, along with his chin. I give him a confused look and whisper a short "what", then he slowly lifts up his finger to point to the staircase, not moving where he's looking or anything.

I look towards where he's pointing and I stare in shock, and in horror, and in fear, and in disbelief , and in-in- in devastation. Wha- I .....

I fall to the floor.




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