Your Oceans

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My darling if I knew how deep your oceans were,

I would have never started swimming,

If I were precious to you...then save me,

Save me from the depth of your oceans,

Help me if you were a dear friend,

I never knew how to swim,

I’m drowning in love,

and all I see is blue,

all blue

Nothing but blue,

I thought I can sail without boats,

Forgive me....

Take me to your shores,

As I can no longer breathe,

I can’t help that your eyes;

drag me to the depth of your oceans,

Even your smiles;

Steal my breath away,

I thought I have experience,

But I never witnessed love like yours,

I even thought that I am a soldier,

But I never witnessed such wars,

I surrender my soul,

take my breath, and throw me in heavens,

Teach me  not to drown again,

But I will never learn,

So stab me, and throw me in your wide seas,

Or be an angel of death, and guide me to my grave,

But never follow me there,

As I will drown again,

My darling, all I need is a boat for both of us,

So that we can sail in those spacious seas,

And Before we kiss goodbye, at eves,

I will drown again.

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