White Pearls

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An experience I'll evoke in my loose papers,
Autumn leafs that I'll gather, and write on, 
And how long can they last;
before new ones are born?

Broken pearls that flow over the stream of trusts,
and who can ever fix cracks in mirrors?
O' who do you sight in your reflections?

Though I am A man who never claims';
I'll hand you a sample, to my judges,
I'm the victim without witnesses,
nor evidence,
but that I lost my heart one day,

A thief I'd claim,
who promised yellow gardens,
blue rivers that streams,
and forever living dreams,

They asked me,
O'they asked me,
the colours of your eyes,
the tunes of your hairs,
a description they asked me,
And I lost my breath,
when I thought of you,

How could I ever convict you?
That I love you,
or that I need you?
Convict me and throw me in jails,
Life imprison me,
and Ask them to punish me,
for that I can't trust you once more,

but how far is autumn from spring?
till I write to you again,
and fall for you my darling,
like each time I see you,
I carry the world on feathers.

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