For the Purple Fish

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Ohh the writer of history come and witness,

an empire was quashed from existence

The emperor of an everlasting might ,

was abundant within a sight.

He held the sun in one hand,

the moon on the other,

had a golden statue in each empire,

and occupied the universe with his words.

Ohh my love to you vanished,

driven like dust in thin air,

Like rivers of colours, that turn grey,

Or like the green fish that left my seas,

The one I sheltered, has abandoned;

My yellow oceans,

and my purple skies,

though with all the might,

I had to let her go,

away from the purple fish,

I own,

I had to let her go.

O'darling never come back,

My seas have evaporated,

and my might is gone,

There is nothing I own,

but the purple fish.

All the thrones I had, 

 the skies I colour,

empires and my mightiness love,

remains until the end of time,

but only for the purple fish.



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