Chapter 28:

13 3 1

Fall back to 4 years before


Kayteline point of view

I was sitting by the round coffee table as always , staring into emptyness .
around 08:00 p.m exactly
Thinking of someone that caught  all my thoughts in a dot and made it all round him
I miss him , i miss him so much , more than a normal person feel , more than i ever felt in my entire living life.

Feeling empty is the price of what you do not what others do to you

Feeling negative is the price that you eventually get


"Mm" i nodded

"Mommy ? there is something wrong with Esty?" Her tinny fingers traile down my collarbone as she sits on my lap looking forwad to my lost face

"What's wrong with esty?"

"She lookes tirerd" she bites down her lip

A growing sensation of fear start boiling
Never thought this would ever happen

Esther is the only thing i have left from jason

I lightly pushed my way through the open glass door , toward the living room where she always sits .

"Somethingg is wrong with esther" khalil said

"She refuses to eat , she didn't sleep ? We need to take her to her veterinarian" Mia replied

"Les go" summer carried her as we all made it to my white land rover

We strocked out the side way driving away

Hearing esther sniffs made all of us worried

Mia from now and then turns to check on her

Looking from the round mirror , alfredo was almost in tears , with her tinny pows stricked in his hands and summer strocking her furry hair ?

Yes she's apart of this familly and she keeps us steady like everyone

"I'll find a spot to park and i'll follow" they nodded

"I stay with mommy" she gave esther to alfredo as he left

I drove to the closest parking lot . there weren't that many cars but my ass of course parked in between cars , squezzing my way in i unfortunately hit the side of the black range rover beside .
For my unluck , the owner drove backward , driving back in giving me space to park , i looked as he rolled down his passenger seat window

"I think the parking lot is empty , really empty for you to park really anywhere, litteraly"

"I'm sorry , my dog is sick i was in a hurry i didn't have time to dr- i can pay for the dammages ?"

"It's okay , i just hope your dog gets more than alright, my prayers goes to?"


"God bless ESther" he smiled


"She's going to be fine , just make sure that she stays away from anything tinny , she can swallow and barbie heads" he threw one of summer barbie heads  as he winks back at summer

"Well she is fine now?" She shrugs

"Just make sure to give her proper food that i now notice she've got an unhealthy 'juice' method " he looks back at summer

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