Chapter 30

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~ End of flashback ~

Jason's point of view :

" Kay? Are you ready to go?".

What took her this long?

Suddenly, the little figure of summer came to my vision. Her cute little purple dress, hair up in a ponytail and a one of her favorite dollie that I brought for her birthday.

" mommy said she is busy, so it's just me and you" she smile extending her little arm toward me.

I gladly took hers into mines with a smile.

I put her in the front next to me.

" daddy? Why did mommy say I was going to the doctor again today? I thought I was fine now" she exclaimed with her puppy eyes.

No one can ever go through those puppy eyes, not even the dogs can.

" doctor asked to see you, he wanted to surprise you" I drove, focusing on the road, sometimes drawing my eyes toward my daughter.

I can't believe I once almost killed her two.


~ flashback ~

" Daniel, jason? You were both called to the chief's office" one of the police officers pointed towards Mike's office.

I looked at Daniel as he gave me the same intense gaze back.

" so, which one of you did it?" he was snuggling one of his inhalers, looking very messy.

Daniel walked forward, gesturing himself to him.

" I'm talking about the bombing yesterday, not about my Daughter. I know damn well Jason did it" he looked up at me with dagger eyes.

" oh! I did that" I pulled my arm up.

" good, but unfortunately they have left five minutes before you even got the Chance to get them this time" he exclaimed, slamming the file on top of his glass table.

" check the CD and read the third segment very carefully, i count on you" he said before shifting his two fingers at us, telling us to leave.

" were you trying to defend me?" I asked him, trying to fasten my steps to join him at his office.

" yes, I was trying to get your ass out of trouble for both of our sake" he said, putting the CD into the disc drive. Waiting for about two seconds.

It turned to black playing out the clip in repeat.

" what is this?" I ask, getting close.

" it's the security camera in the warehouse, minutes before they attacked it".

He wanted to add another world but then the clip played again, showing a female and a little girl, followed by two other females and four males with guns, and gaz masks on.

Daniel froze.

" she's kidding" he whispered, but I clearly made out every single alphabet he said.

Driving me crazy (part two)Where stories live. Discover now