Chapter 1

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"Brrrrrrr, brrrr."
My phone was ringing and I was trying to ironing my uniforms for the work week coming up. This was my usual Sunday routine as I also cooked my Sunday dinner for me and my boo Chris. Everyone knew what I was doing on my Sunday so this must have been really important.

"Hello, can I speak to London?"
"This is she, who is this?"
"Charmaine "
"Who? Charmaine who, how can I help you?"
"You can help me alright, bitch tell me why you are calling my man phone"
"Excuse me who are you calling a bitch and you must got the wrong number cause I don't know your man"
"Yes you do hoe, you know Chris you keep calling his phone last night until her turned it off so tell me why you calling him."

I just looked at the phone for a second. Did this bitch just say Chris, I hope and pray that she is not talking about my Chris because I swear Jesus, Jesus I'm going to catch a case today. I counted to ten and went back to the phone.

"You said your man name was Chris right?"
"You heard me this first time hoe, YEAH" she hollered.
"No need to yell, what does he look like?" I asked. I need to know just 5 personal things and hopefully boo boo the fool would answer my questions right.

"Light skin with the pretty hair, tatted up"
"That's damn near everyone in North what else what he drive what are some of his tattoos under his shirt."
Hoping she takes the bait so I can really know if this is him or not.
"See you playing, he drives the black on black Bentley, and he has an anaconda tattoo right above my dick."

I almost lost my cool. She was indeed talking about my Chris, the man I love with all of me, but I kept calm because I need more info. I know how the game is played, I'm going to just act like I don't know Chris so I can get as much from her as possible.

"I know the guy Chris with the black Bentley, don't know nothing about his tattoo though. Me and him just do business together. How long y'all been together thought he was single."
"We been fucking around for like um 6 months, when he left his fiancé for me, we became official. But that's here nor there, what business do you have with him?"
"Oh nothing personal, just needed to see if he saw someone I was looking for, you know he knows everything and everyone ha ha ha" I laughed.

Still counting to ten mentally before I lose it.

"Well next time call during normal business hours, not 1 or 2 in the morning while we making love silly hoe." And she hung up.

"I need you to come home right now Chris" I said very calmly in the phone.
I had called him ten times in the last 20 minutes. He was making me very mad with the damn shit, I swear this nigga wants me to kill his ass. He just can't keep his dick to himself, but today he going to learn I'm tired of his nasty dirty dick ass.

"What's wrong babe? I'm trying make my rounds" Chris said
"Get home right fucking now Chris and I mean it NOW!!" I hung up the phone.

I just can't believe this fool after 11 years he goes and fucks shit up. I knew in the back of my mind there were other bitches, but I thought he respected and loved me enough not to let me find out or catch his ass. I also thought he would never cheated because I did any and everything for him. I was his Bonnie to his Clyde or so I thought, I rode hard for him, been with him every step of the way even worked four jobs just to help him get startup money for his drug empire. And he has some dusty hood rat as bitch calling my phone telling me she is his girlfriend and that she pretty much has been fucking and sucking my man on a regular.

This hood rat name Charmaine call me about an hour ago and told me the off the wall shit that had me like really.

It took everything in me not to snap on this hoe. While they made loved, like really shaking my head and they been together so she say for 6 months. 6 fucking months this nigga old dirty dick dog. Just wait tell his ass gets in the house I got something for him and he has some explaining to do. I began pacing back in forth. I can't believe Chris but it's cool.

I forbid to let a tear drop. I couldn't he was do pissed I felt like my whole world was falling apart right in front of my face but I refused to cry. I refused to let him take me there, even though I'm hurt and my heart is aching, I wanted to hear what this fool has to say about Ms. Charmaine ass and her story. One lie and I am going to kill him.

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