Chapter 15

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As I was on my way to find my to this destination where London was supposed to be, I kept thinking about how I really fucked up. I mean I think she is done with me. I never cheated on London ever, never had a reason to she was everything a man needed and wanted. Smart, beauty and brains and a freak in them sheets.

I don't know what can over me I just wanted a little something different. Call me selfish or whatever but I got caught with up after experiencing things I never done before that's how I felt at that time. I didn't know that the dumb as broad was going to call her and tell her everything. I mean everything didn't leave not one detail out and I couldn't even lie my way out of it because London knows me like the back of my hand hands down. This was being very hard and I was losing hope.

I finally pulled up too this place my GPS told me not knowing where the hell I was an also wondering what the hell could London be doing way out here. I noticed a car pulling off but couldn't see inside because how dark the tint was. Maybe it was a tourist or something.

When I pulled in the drive way the place looked abandon and empty. I got out of the car and walked up to the door and knocked. And waited and knocked again and no one had answered the door which I also tried and happen to be locked. I walked around the side of the house and looked in the window and notice that this place was indeed empty and closed.

But why would he send me here and it was a closed place. I walked about to my car and dialed London's phone which just went straight to voicemail by the way which only let me know I was still in the blocked list, shaking my head. I hung up mad as hell. I then called (tech Guy) back to curse his ass out real quick.

"BRRRRRRRR." The phone rang.

"Yo Chris."

"Don't Yo Chris me. What's up with this nut ass address you gave me, the damn place is abandon. Like you got me on a dummy mission all the way in east bubba fuck."

"Hahahahaha. Hello to you to and that's where her GPS was saying she was, what the hell you want me to do? I did what you asked didn't I, maybe you just missed her or something. You know London is a smart woman I sure she knows that you have contacted me by now and that you are looking for her."

"Yeah whatever, this is some bull shit." I said and hung up.

He is fucking useless all this driving for nothing.

I started up my car and pulled off thinking about what he just said maybe she did leave already if she knew I was on my way to her. And that might could have been her in that car I drove pass when I was pulling up. Please that better not been her ass with no other nigga even though I know she wouldn't do me like that but if she is, I swear am going to jail for first degree murdered. She not allowed to be around no other nigga especially if it is not family and I don't know them. Just wait till I catch up with her ass.

I headed back towards the expressway to make me way home and come up with a different plan and fine me girl and also find out if she was in the car or not. I was losing hope by the minute I had to make things right.

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