Chapter 10

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I heard the alarm go off at 10 o'clock in the morning it was time to fine my girl and bring her ass home and make this right. I slid out the bed and headed to my closet to lay out my outfit as my phone rung.


I hope it's not the girl don't have time for this shit today as I walked over to the night stand to retrieve my phone. I look down at the screen and saw it was my homie Jason from out of town. I wonder what he wanted.

"Hey what's good Chris?"
"Nothing much man, what's good?"
"The shop got closed down last night. I went there about time minutes ago and the gates were still down." He said

This was code for he run out of product last night and he needed a re-up this morning all the way up ATLANTA. This made me mad because his careless ass should have called me last night. He knows how I am about my money and staying on top of shit.

"Why didn't you call me last night when it was time to close?"
"I had some issues with my baby mom. Bitch is crazy and when I got finish it was already too late."
"Man I'm not even going to trip. Imma make a phone call and hit you back stay by your phone and the shop." I said and hung up on his dumb ass.

I called my homie Raheem down the A and told him the situation and he said he would come thru for me. I hit Jason back with the details and continue looking for my clothes.

Later outfit out and headed to the bathroom for a nice hot steamy shower. Showered for about 30 minutes went and got dress. Hurried up downstairs grab a pop tart, keys and a water and headed out to my all black Audi.

My first destination was London's job. I know her like that back of my hand and I know she would not miss a day at work unless it was an emergency. As I was driving down 76 towards King of Prussia to Mercy Suburban Hospital  where she worked all I could think about is seeing that beautiful face of hers, those flat plump suck able lips. I miss my baby it's been too long and not to know where she is or even talk to her was killing me, driving me crazy. I hope and prayed she was going to talk to me I needed to make things right between us.

I pulled in the parking garage parked my car and hope out and walked straight to the elevator. I had been here numerous time to see her on lunch or to just stop in say hi when she worked. One thing I know is that she loved being a nurse it was always her passion and in her heart. I reach the 6th floor and walked thru the double doors and up to Mrs. Vickie the nice old receptionist.

"Good morning Mrs. Vickie."
"Good morning Christopher, how are you doing?"
" I'm doing well how about yourself"
"Oh honey I'm just fine. What brings you by today?"
"I came to surprise London with lunch is she busy?"
"Oh you should have called first honey she is on vacation. Been about 3 or 4 days now, I'm surprise you don't know unless." She said as she gave me those eyes like what the hell you done did.

"Oh yea been gone on business for a few days and just got back thought she was at work today is Draya in today have to ask her somethings"
"Yes she is in I'll page her and just so you know you can't fool an old lady like me with your lies. All I know is whatever you did your better fix it. Do you hear me?"
"Yes I hear you Mrs. Vickie I promise I will fix it." I said as she paged Draya.

Ten minutes later Draya came down the hall and as soon as she said my face I saw nothing but pure anger and hurt displayed on her face and knew I was in for a royal cuss out.

"Right this way Christopher, by all means please follow me." She said.

Oh god here we go. She about to start her shit which I'm not really trying hear but I'm just going to pretend to listen so she can tell me what I really what to know and that is where the hell is London. We arrive at her office I walked in and sat in the chair across from her and listened.

"You have some damn nerve showing your cheating ass up here at our place of work. I assume you came here looking for my best friend huh?"

I sighed.

"I didn't come here to argue with you Draya on some real shit. I just came to here talk with London. But Mrs. Vickie told me she was on vacation and I know u approved it being as though you are her bestie and supervisor you know where she is, so can you please tell me where my fiancé is please." I said

She laughed.

"Your right I do know where she is and I wouldn't tell you ass nothing. But what I want to know is why. Was she not good enough for you, did she lack somewhere in y'all relationship, because I know my best friend and she loves your trifling ass beyond this world and goes above and beyond for you so what was it."

"Listen Draya I fucked up. I got caught up in the moment and shit happened and I totally regret everything that I have done especially hurting London. She is perfect in my eyes, she's my rider and I already know she goes above and beyond for me. Vice versa and that why you have to tell me where she is so I can make it right."

"I'm not tell your ass nothing, just know she is safe and getting herself together. I also have been advising her to leave you're no good ass, but you know how she is listens to no one."

"It's cool I will find her and make it right thanks for nothing. Oh and before I forget I'm a good ass man that made a mistake and I admit that, you don't have to help me but when u talk to her which I sure you will when I leave tell her I love her and I'm coming to get her." I said and got up and left before she had anything to say out her smart ass mouth.

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