Part 1

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One day, Opal was pondering what she should do to help Pearl's situation. Even when she was with her, Pearl would still be nervous and keep alert for the gang. The gang consisted of Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Topaz, Amethyst, and Quartz. REDASTAQ, they called themselves. If you wonder about what they all have in common, it is that they are all transparent; they all have that smooth, faceted cut. You can hold one up to your eye and see right through their shining surfaces. Aha! Opal knew what to do!

The next morning, Opal approached Pearl at the fountain. For some reason, Pearl had an attraction to water, but could not go to any still body of water, or else she would see her reflection, and hate herself even more. The fountain, however, was running water, so it's probable that you could find Pearl there on a sunny day. Unfortunately, the REDASTAQ also likes the fountain on sunny days, too - they would admire the how the flashes of light that the water sent refracted off their sides and angles. They would often torment poor Pearl, who would soon after scurry off to mend her broken heart and self-esteem. After Opal shooed off Diamond and the others (who reluctantly left) she spoke softly to Pearl. "Hey, Pearl. I know that you're having a hard time right now...and although I may not have personally experienced hardships like yours, I want to help you."

"How?" Pearl responded.

"Go see the world. Take a break. Find out why you're so different."

"Oh, so you don't want me here. Ok, I'll leave," Pearl spat out defensively, on the verge of tears.

"No, Pearl! I want to help you!"

"I thought you were a good friend."

"Pearl! Listen to me! I-I'll come with you."

"Wait...what!?" Pearl started, spinning around in shock. Opal responded quickly again,

"I'll come! If that's what it takes to help you find peace, I'll come!"

Pearl was touched to the very heart of her soul.

"Really?" She asked, unsure if Opal really meant it, or if it was a cruel prank.

"Of course! Let's go!" Opal declared.

"Now? B-but..." Pearl stuttered.

"Would you rather stay the night and have the REDASTAQ bully you again?" Opal retorted. With that comment, they picked themselves up and headed out. (Gems don't need food or clothes. They're gems.)


On the second night of travel, Pearl asked Opal, "Do you really think that there will be me...?" Opal, as to comfort her friend, replied assuringly,

"Of course! There are many different types of opals, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, and other gems in the world."

Pearl, satisfied with that response, nodded and settled into a patch of comfy moss for the night. As for Opal, she stayed awake a little longer, looking at the twinkling stars. Opal knew, that from afar, all the thousands of stars looked the same, but closer up, each star was a flaming, brilliant mass. They were all different: shape, size, color, heat, location! 'One in a in a thousand...Pearl is one in a thousand, just like one of those stars,' Opal thought as she drifted into the peaceful unconscious known as sleep.

545 words.

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