Chapter 24

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Hey guys! Sorry this update took forever, I've been insanely busy this week. I try to update every day but obviously I can't do that all the time lol. So if I ever go any period without updating it's not because I forgot or because I'm being lazy, it's cause I'm busy but I'll update the next chance I can :) Okay I'm done, hope you enjoy the chapter, and please vote for any chapters you like! Your feedback helps make the story better. Love you all xx


It was a slightly awkward ride home. For one thing, Ellen was in the back seat and that made it feel like we couldn’t just talk about anything for some reason. Though she was smiling so hard she probably wouldn’t have even noticed. But you also didn’t have any music playing in the background which was unusual. Even if we were talking you had it on but turned down low. Instead you were just focused more intently than necessary on the road.

“Are you mad at me or something?”

“Why would you think that?” you asked softly.

“I don’t know, you’re just acting really weird.”

You looked over at me as if to say, “I thought we were going to let this go?” but instead said, “You didn’t do anything wrong so don’t worry about it, okay?”

I nodded because I didn’t want to push you but it was really bothering me.

You helped me get Ellen into her chair and then pushed her up the ramp for me. Aunt Vilenna was home so we parked her in front of the TV then you hooked your pinky with mine and led me outside.

“I still can’t believe what you did for Bailey and Taylor.”

I shrugged, “It really isn’t a big deal. Like I said, all that stuff will go to more use for them than me or any future kids I have.” I was leaning against your car and you were standing in front me, rather closely. You kept casually inching closer and I could feel your warm breath on my face.

“When can I see you again?”

My chest felt tight all of a sudden and I could barely breathe. “Whenever you want.”

“I always want to see you.”

“I always want to see you too.”

“Well then,” you said, almost a whisper before closing the few inches and kissing me. It was a warm, breathy kiss that turned all of my blood boiling hot. I couldn’t help but bring my hand to your face, as if to bring you even closer to me. You weren’t kissing me as intensely as I wanted to be kissing you but somehow that made it even more erotic.

When you pulled away you said, “You should come over for dinner. My nan would love to meet you.”

“Okay,” I actually really wanted to meet her too. “When?”


“Okay,” I said again. I was finding it hard to make a normal sentence, which is often how I felt after kissing you. This may sound weird but I love the taste of you, and the feeling of your lips gliding against mine. It’s addicting. So is the feeling when you run your pointed finger along mine, which you were doing just then.

“Wear that navy blue dress again, I didn’t get to see you enough in it before.” You quickly kissed my cheek then walked around and got in your car.

After you left I sat down on the step and leaned my head against the wall. I was really tired for some reason, even though I’d had a nap when I was with the girls.

“Long day?” an approaching voice said, making my eyes pop open. It was Thomas. His hair was wet and he wasn’t wearing a shirt, only shorts.

“I guess so.”

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