Bonding with the Bat brothers

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The BatBrothers bonding with their sister
•Waking up to all her brothers sleeping in her room
("If you guys keep sneaking in my room I'm going to lock it" "Right, we definitely go through the door and not through the window")
•Teaching them how to manage her natural hair
•Dick will call her when he forgets how to be an adult
("You called me at 7:45 at night because you forgot how to iron your own shirt" "I Have a date with Babs and I forgot how the iron works")
•Aubrey thought Tim's full name was Timantha at one point from now on everyone calls him that
•Daily Roast Sessions
• They fight over who gets her attention the most
•Building Pillow forts together
(*Opens up fort* "Hi welcome to my place this is where I shit" *Points to certain corner* "this is where I pray to god,sometimes he answers" *Points to other corner* "And this is my bed this is Tim he has no family that's why he stays here" *Points to Tim wrapped in a blanket near all the pillows*)
•Dealing with her random outburst of happiness
•They all wanted to be her date to her first Gala with them
•She ended up walking in late by herself so she could make an entrance
•Super protective over her and boys
(*Boy walks up to her* "Hi" *Brothers swoop in and carry her away*)
•Despite only knowing them for a couple months she loves them more than her real family
•Main person to run to when in trouble
•They all love her dearly

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