Dreams aren't always dreams

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Jenny's POV

I've always had strange dreams, but by far this had to be the weirdest. It always felt life like, like I knew everyone who appeared in the dream. It was a reoccurring dream of where I would be put into an asylum. The dream never changed. There was even the same person who I would meet in that wretched place. The light in the cold darkness.

* The Dream *

Every day we would be taken to some support group that we have to attend where we talk about our feeling and shit like that. It was never really my thing, so I never talked. I guess two new inmates were thrown in here, so we get to meet them,  yay.

The guards sit me down on the uncomfortable plastic seats. On my left, I was sitting by Lisa, a girl who could talk to spirits. What are those called again? Oh right, a medium. Well, I guess a spirit told her to kill a person so she can end their misery and long story short she got thrown in here. On my right was a new face in the group.

" He must be one of the new people here. He doesn't look crazy or anything, but a lot could hide in an adorable face " I think to myself

He has Brown hair and Hazel eyes. He looked like he was scared out of his mind and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He didn't belong here with the other crazies roaming the halls, that I was for sure of.

Support group started the same way it always did. We would say our names and why we were in here. The reason we dud this was because they believed that if we accepted what we did then somehow, we would be cured faster. Luckily today was different because we get to meet the new inmates.

The first one was a girl. She seemed calm, but she looked like she belonged here, but that could be just because she had major bedhead. The other new boy who sat on the right of me seemed dazed like he was in a different world, so he didn't speak much during the support group.

When support group finally finished, I was approached by the new boy.

" Hey is that support group thing always boring or were they just having a bad day today," he says jokingly

" Oh it's so fun we get them daily, and we talk about our feeling, bake cookies, do crafts and all that other fun shit," I say sarcastically.

"If you're always this sarcastic than I think we'll be very close friends," says the mysterious new boy 

The annoying bell, signaling us to get back to our cells, limits me from being able to ask what the boy's name was. Even though I didn't know that boy's name, something tells me that I would know his name.

It was 10 pm when I heard my door unlock which was strange because none of the guards ever opened any of the cells at night. When the door opens, I see the mysterious boy come out of the shadows.

" Hey Jenny I need your help, can you please help me?" the boys asks in a whisper.

" Why not? It's better than being in this hell hole," I say.

We quietly walk through the long dark hallways trying not be caught by the guards that patrolled around the halls. We stop at a big door which I've never seen before. The boy quickly opens the steel door with a key. He opens it just enough for us to squeeze through so we didn't make too much noise.

" What am I helping you with?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that there is something here that's important," he says.

" We better start looking. I swear if we get caught I will kill you," I say with all seriousness.

"We won't I promise and if we do I'll hand you the knife," he says

It felt like hours we were looking for whatever this boy was talking about, and I start to question why I even said I would help. I mean it's obvious he is crazy which is why he's probably here. I hear someone whispering a name that is barely audible to hear.

" Weird," I mumble.

" What? What's wrong?" The boy asks as his almost golden eyes lock onto mine.

"You're going to think I'm crazy but I heard," I say not being able to finish my sentence.

Everything suddenly went black. I couldn't see or hear anything. I get knocked out cold, and that's how the dream always ends. I never know who or what knocked me out. I don't even get to find out the name of the odd boy that sometimes plagues my dreams.

*End of Dream *

I wake up in a jolt. I can never remember what happened in my dreams. I knew I had the same one due to how I always would spring up like something bad had happened to me. Something that bugged me about this unknown dream is the feeling of darkness that lingered after waking up. It was something that I've sensed in another person before.

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