Riddles & Frontotemporal demensia

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Jenny's POV

It's a quiet ride to Stiles's house. We decide that I was going to  stay at his house for the night because it was very late.

" Stiles?"

" Yes, Jenny?"

" Do you ever get tired?"

" Well not recently. I get terrible nightmares and I just have a feeling that if I slept even a little something would happen."

" That's not what I meant as tired. I mean as in you're tired of hiding things, or tired how the world has treated you, or even the tired where you feel emotionally and psychically drained and you search and search for happiness that may or may not come."

" Do you feel that way, Jenny?"

" I used to. A lot actually, and I think once you feel like that it's hard to not have those feelings."

" Well everyone feels that once in awhile and if someone says they haven't than they're either lying or it will happen eventually."

We get to Stiles's house and quietly walked to his room.

" I'll take the floor.", I say

         " No Jenny, I won't allow you to sleep on the floor. I would be a terrible boyfriend if I let you sleep on the floor. I'll sleep on the floor, you can take my bed."

" Stiles we could share the bed if you want to."

" Okay", Stiles says walking to the bed.

" Goodnight Stiles."

" Goodnight Jenny", he says before falling asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night with my phone ringing.

I grab my phone. " Hello", I say still half asleep.

" Jenny! Where are you?"

" Scott? I'm at stiles' place. why?"

" Because Stiles is missing."

I look around the room. It was empty. Stiles was gone.

" I don't understand. We were sleeping together just hours ago."

" Just stay there. Isaac and I are coming", says Scott.

I hung up the phone. My phone rang again. It was Stiles.

" Stiles! Where are you?"

" I don't know. It's dark and I'm scared. I don't think I have much time. I just have to say that I...I.

The call ends before I could hear what he was going to say. I begin to tear up.

" What if he's in danger because of me?", I thought to myself.

Scott and Isaac burst through the door.

" Are you alright?", Isaac asks.

" I'm fine for now, we just have to find Stiles."

Scott explains to me everything that Stiles said on the phone. Just than Lydia and Aiden comes into Stiles's room.

" Did you get a call from Stiles also?", I ask Lydia

" No she heard something, but don't ask it's pretty confusing", says Aiden.

" What did his dad say?", Lydia asks.

" I haven't told him", Scott mutters.

" You haven't told his dad! Don't you think he could help find Stiles also", I say.

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